The Fight and The News

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Chapter seventeen

Akira's POV

Me and Juvia walked towards the park when we stopped to face Hibiki, Eve, Ren, and of blue pegasus.

"What are you doing here? And why didn't you bring Ichiya." I spat, as the three boys were trying to flirt with me.

"Would you mind having a little brother?" Eve asked.

"What is such a pretty girl doing fighting Juvia like this?" Ren said.

"My my what a beautifu-"Hibiki started but I cut him off.

Wow ignore my question. "Don't even continue that sentence!" I snapped, a cool icy breeze surrounding me. "You." I pointed to Eve. "Make some snow." He nodded with a frightened look on his face as he conjured up a large snowball in his hands and handed it to me. I took and began to eat it. While the three and the rest of the guild gawked at me.

"What expect it. I am a Universal Dragon slayer. I can eat my elements too." I said in a 'duh' tone. " Juvia get your ass over here I'm fighting you right now!" I demanded as I felt a cold sensation run through my body. Everyone around me started to shiver around me and back away.

The crystal on my necklace was glowing a pale blue, representing the magic I was feeling. An icy blue mist surrounding me as I strutted my way over Juvia who was standing with her umbrella being held above her.

Her umbrella magically disappeared as she chanted "Water nebula." As a powerful stream of water shot at me, almost as if a water dragons roar. I easily dodged it by jumping to the right and letting the water hit the three from blue pegasus, sending them crashing into their flying horse thing Christina.

"Water lock!" Juvia said, as I was engulfed in a sphere of water. I looked at her confusingly as if asking her why, I guess she didn't know about my water powers. She looked at me shocked that I was breathing in her water.

"Avalanche!" I said. As an avalanche of snow came crashing towards her, soon engulfing her in a pile of snow. After a few minutes she still didn't come up. I felt the crystal heat up as I felt fire magic surge through my and to my hand as I shot a fire ball towards the snow to melt it.

There lied a pale Juvia, almost blue.

"Wha- Frostbite! Y-you mean she can't handle the c-cold!" Lucy exclaimed.

"I guess so. I'll melt away the frostbite with gentle flames. Actually, maybe Natsu should." I suggested.

Natsu walked over and knelt down beside the pale Juvia and took a deep breath as his hands slowly lit aflame, slowly melting away the frost that covered her body. Everybody looked at him in shock, to see a gentle side to his flames.

"Woah Akira you taught him that." Alison gawked at me.

"Yeah." I said, as I walked away and up to Gray.

"I'll be back home." I whispered to him.

"Want me to come?" He asked.

"No, I just want some time alone for a bit. Away from the noise, and the recklessness." I chuckled.

"Okay, see you later tonight then." He said as he pecked my lips and ran back to the guild.I walked back to our apartment and contacted Acknologia through the feather he gave me. He soon arrived and I invited him in. "And your answer is?" He asked anxiously.

"No, sorry. I will learn how to control it on my own, but I will keep your feather, just incase I want your help." I explained.

"If that is what you wish." He said. And vanished through the shadows once again.

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