Training in the Sea-Wood Forest.

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Chapter eighteen

Akira's POV

I woke up in the infirmary alone. I guess Lahar left? I struggled to get up off the bed, but somehow got up. I staggered to the door and entered the guild. The guild stared at me as i walked up to the table where the rest of my team was sitting.

"Hello Kira-chan!" Wendy beamed. I glared at Gray, he had a terrified look on his face. I walked up to him and whispered "We need to talk." He for up and followed me out of the guild. We walked to a meadow not too far away from the guild, and sat down.

"I hope you don't think of me differently, not that you have seen the real me."

"No I don't. And what do you mean "the real me"?" He said.

"Zeref sealed the demon inside of me to stop it from coming out. I was born with the demon inside of me. It was passed down from generations. Apparently my mother had sex with another man before Elementis. The first man had a demon sealed inside of him, and it was passed down to me." I sighed.

I hung my head low, as I felt the tears stinging my eyes. I felt a warm but cool feeling embrace me. He hugged me. I felt something cool and wet drip down into my shoulder. "Why are you crying?" I said in a soft tone. "I-It must be f-frustrating having a-all that p-power, and having to h-hide it." He stammered.

"But there's no reason to cry. I'm alright and I'm still here. Most of the time when I'm using my dragon slayer magic I'm only using one percent of my power." I explained.

"I'm guessing I don't want to see one-hundred percent of your power." He half smile.

"Nope." I giggled. "Let's try out the switch magic." I suggested.

"Yeah. Even though you can already use my powers." He chuckled slightly.

"Yeah, I can teach you. But you left something out about yourself." I smirked.

"What? I only know that I'm an Ice dragon slayer and that I can use ice make magic." He said.

"No your dad is still alive, Silver fullbuster, Ice demon slayer. So your an Ice dragon demon slayer as well." I said.

"What really?" He said excitedly.

"Yeah! I can use your demon slayer magic now! But if you want to use my universal dragon slayer magic, you have to eat a special flame, so your body doesn't explode from all of the power. But you can't use Tatsumi because it doesn't work with switch magic." I explained.

"Okay, so what about this flame?" He asked. I conjured a flame in my hand, and it glowed multicoloured to resemble all the different magic. "Here eat this, don't worry you can hold it, it doesn't burn." I said handing the flame to him. He gladly took it and scarfed it down.

Gray's POV

She handed me a flame that glowed multicoloured. I took it gladly and scarfed it down. Feeling a magical energy surge through my body.

"I can feel the power." I murmured.

"Yeah, use it wisely. Now we should go pack, get ready to train for the Gmg." She said.

"Yeah we should." I said as I snaked my arm around her waist as we walked back to our apartment.

Two and half hours later

"Ahhh finally we're here!" I complained.

"You know we could've of flew instead of walked here." Akira said in a 'duh' tone.

"Not all of us have wings!" Mystogan, Mira, Lucy, Laxus, Erza and Cana all said.

"You know I could of just taught you how to make yourself wings, and also Mira you could of grew your demon wings without using take over, and Erza you could of used your heavens wheel wings without all the armour." She giggled.

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