Getting to know the new girl

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Chapter Five

Alison's POV

I walked into the guild this morning, not many people were here. I went and sat at the bar.

"Morning Alison!" Mira greeted cheerfully.

"Morning." I replied happily.

"Do you want anything?" She asked me.

"I'll have a strawberry milkshake please." I requested.

"Coming right up!"

I sat and waited for a few minutes, and soon Mira gave me my drink.

"Hey Alison!" Natsu exclaimed.

"Hello Natsu." I responded. Natsu, he's kinda cute, I mean, anybody would like him. Even though I just met him, am I falling for him?

"Hey? Alison?" Natsu said waving his hand infront of my face.

"Wha- oh sorry what we're saying?" I blabbed.

"I asked if you wanted to go on a job with me today?" He asked again.

"Oh sure. Anything will do."


Gray's POV

Today me and Akira have our training day. Also going on a job to get some herbs from Mount Hakobe.

"Morning Akira!" I said cheerfully.

"Morning Gray!" She responded. "Ready to go?"

"Yup!" I said enthusiastically.

~~Time skip~~

We finally got the herbs and now we were making our way down the mountain. It didn't take that long. Luckily the last time when we went on the same type of job, the Wyvern wasn't there.

We were soon back at the guild and gave the herbs to the delivery people who came to get it. Now to start our training!

We walked out to the back of the guild into the field. I could feel how powerful Akira's magic was.

"Okay now do what I do." She got into a stance, I followed and chanted "Ice make: Sphere!" A ball of ice formed on her hands growing rapidly. "When your ready!" She said.

"Ice make: Sphere!" I chanted, and a ball of ice started to form rapidly in my hands.

"On three! One.. Two.. Three!" She counted. We both fired our spells.

"Good you got that one down easily. Umm.. How bout' we try Ice shards?"

"Ice shards?" I questioned.

"Yeah, it's where you summon a bunch of ice shards and shoot it at your opponent." She explained

"Oh, okay!"

For about an hour I learnt so many new spells, I even learnt moving ice make magic.

"Okay now this is one of the most powerful Ice spells there is." She said.

"Ice Aurora."

"Ice Aurora?" I gasped.

"Yes. It will take a bit to learn but it's works out for you and me!" She said.

"Okay clear your mind of all thoughts and focus your magic in your hands." She instructed.

Once I had cleared my thoughts, I focused on focusing my magic energy in my hands. "Okay." I said concentrating.

"All you have to do is chant is: Ice Aurora, and send all your power out of your hands." She explained. "Hit that target." She pointed to a big iceberg she made farther into the field.

I made sure I focused on my magic energy in my hands and kept it stable.

"Ice Aurora!" I chanted, and I sent all my magic energy out of my hands and at the target, light blue frozen flames shot out of my hand at the target.

"Good job! I've never seen anybody master that spell so quickly." She clapped.

I fell to my knees in exhaustion of issuing to much magic. "Oh my are you alright?" She said worriedly.

"I'll be fine, I just need to rest." I said panting.

"Here let me help you to the infirmary." She offered

"Okay thanks." I said exhausted.

We walked back to the guild into the infirmary where I could get some rest. I had my arm wrapped around her shoulder, her supporting me.

"Thanks Akira, it means a lot." I thanked her.

"Oh it's no problem!" She responded. She turned to leave the room.

"Wait can you stay? I want someone to talk to." I pleaded.

"Sorry I can't." She said.

"Please?" I begged.

"Fine." She gave in. She came and sat in a chair beside the bed.

"Wanna play 20 questions?" I asked.


"Favourite colour?" I asked

"Light blue." She answered "Yours?"

"Dark blue." "Favourite hobby?" I asked again.

"Practising magic." She said

"Same here." I said. She giggled.

We continued to ask each other questions and talk about random, pointless things, until she fell asleep, with her head resting on the side of the bed.

"Goodnight, Akira." I whispered, putting a lock of her hair behind her ear.

"Goodnight, Gray." She mumbled. Soon we both fell asleep.

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