Only 4 years out of 10!?

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Chapter 20 (Yay!)

Gray's POV

'Being trained by god can really change ya.' Her words echoed in my head.


"Does that mean, we're over?" I asked, tears stinging my eyes.

"For now yes, don't be worried if you feel my pain." She said walking off dissapearing into the shadows.

Flashback over

She said for now, but she said she'll never date a stripper like me.

"Hey Gray you okay?" Lucy asked.

"Huh yeah I'm fine."

"Really but ever since she left you've been miserable."

"Just I've been thinking. Why she's acting like this."

"Guys Happy told me he has something about Dark." Natsu said out of breath running up to our table where me, Lucy, Erza, Wendy and Carla sat.

"Spit it out cat." Lucy demanded.

"Sheesh Lushy."

"What did you find out about." Erza asked.

"Well when I was out flying around I saw Dark, so I followed her for a bit. When she took off her hoodie her shirt came up a bit." He explained.

"Keep going." Carla said.

"I saw this mark."

"Well what did it look like." I asked.

"It was a triangle, only curved at the bottom, with two curved lines coming out from the bottom of each sides." (The assassins creed symbol basically.)

"That's the.." I trailed off.

"The Assassins Network." Erza finished.

"She must be at the highest level by now." Lucy mumbled.

Dark's POV. (I'm going by dark for now.)

Time skip

Damn those guilds were tough. My list of dark guild defeated is now 207.

I'm basically a walking a walking wound. I have bandages wrapped around my abdomen, left forearm, head, wings, and my left leg, I also have to use a crutch to walk.

Right now I was walking back to Fairytail. I stopped infront of the doors and thought 'should I go in, or should I not. Eh I guess I'll go in.' I pushed open the doors and limped in, using my crutch to help keep balanced.

I saw Laxus and Gildarts on the second floor, looking at me like they've seen a ghost.

"Hey dark how'd you defeat hundreds of dark guilds in only 2 years out of ten. And come out alive?" Laxus asked.

"I'll tell you later." I grumbled. I went and sat at the table at the corner of the guild, and put on my headset blasting some rock music. I was getting weird stares, but it's probably because of the mission I took.

'I guess I'll go explain to Laxus and Gildarts now.' I sighed in my head, putting my headphones around my neck. Standing up I tried to walk up the stairs but just couldn't. I got annoyed so I just used my wings, it hurt a bit since they had bandages wrapped at the ends.

I walked |(More like limped.) up to the table the two were sitting at and sat down next to Laxus. Surprisingly Mystogan was sitting next to Gildarts.

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