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Chapter 21

Third persons POV

Akira had sent a blast of dark energy towards Saphira, hitting her in the chest, sending her back a few miles. Everyone looked at Akira in awe as she fought with her dragon, attack after attack, the two clashed heads on in the fierce battle. Not giving in, both of them fought with their strength.

Gray's POV

Akira was sending every type of magic towards her dragon, types that we didn't know. I felt intense magic radiating off of her, and her necklace glowing many colours.

Natsu's POV

Saphira was having a hard time fighting back, I couldn't believe that Akira had that much power, I know everyone felt the magic energy coming off of her because of the looks on their faces!

Akira's POV

I was hitting Saphira with every type of magic I know, and all my power and strength within one percent. I was running out of energy when I noticed Saphira tired, 'maybe a few more hits would do her?' I thought.

"Hey what're you waiting for? Beat her!" Natsu yelled. I rolled my eyes at his childness.

"Death dragons: Roar!" I shouted, hitting Saphira, and her stumbling back. She quickly regained her footing and mumbled somethig to her self.

"You done already? Star dragons: Meteor shower." I smirked, meteors falling on top of her. She collapsed to the ground, a meteor on top of her wing. She looked at me and smiled.

"You've grown strong Snow, you have beaten me, you win." She said in a hushed tone, she laid her head down, breathing heavily. I rolled my eyes and jogged over to the meteor and broke it, she retracted her wing and got up, walking over to a few trees and laying under them.

"I'll go heal her." I mumbled.

"I'll help!" Wendy offered.

"No Wendy, sorry but I dont want you to get hurt." I said.

"But look at you, your no good either." Gray shouted. I looked back at him, while healing myself with my God slayer magic.

"You were saying?" I smirked at him. I walked over to Saphira and put my hands over her neck, chanting a few words before a bright blue light surrounded her, making all the wounds and scratches heal.

Saphira groaned "You beat me using only one percent of your magic." She huffed.

"ONE PERCENT!" Everyone shouted. I nodded, I guess I forgot to tell them.

"Yes, the necklace that I wear is a magic sealer pendant too, Saphira is the only one who can control it to lower or raise my magic power." I explained.

"She defeated a dragon.."Natsu trailed off.

"With only one percent of her power." Erza finished. I faintly smiled and nodded.

"Oh can you raise my power to two percent please, I've been going on harder jobs and its getting difficult." I asked. She nodded and raised it's power by one percent.

"What are you." Gajeel mumbled.

"I heard that metal head!" I spat.

"You were supposed to, you wanna go." He smirked, and started running towards me, no one bothing to stop him.

"Fine, just consider yourself beaten. Blood control." He stopped imediately in his spot, a shocked look plastered on his face.

"Wha-" He started.

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