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Bella Clarke

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Bella Clarke

I was sitting on the couch, with my arms crossed, listening to my parents as they went over the same ole rules that they had for me ever since I started going out.

"No drinking, and if you do decide to ignore that rule, do NOT drink and drive." My mom said. "Call me, your dad, or either of your uncles and one of us will come and pick you up."

"That doesn't mean go out and drink though, lil girl." My dad added.

"I know, dad." I sighed.

"Be home by midnight and please be careful."

"I'm always careful."

"Let's keep it that way, and I mean that in EVERY aspect!" My dad said, making me roll my eyes.

"Still a virgin, dad." I told him. He groaned and covered his ears, walking off as me and my mom started laughing.

"For the sake of us both...let's keep it that way." She said. "Now have fun and again...please be careful. If you need me then I'm only a phone call away." I nodded my head and stood up, kissing her cheek, before I hurried out of the house. I was already half an hour late for the party, but who shows up at a party on time? Surely not me.


Fifteen minutes later, I arrived at Lucas's house and the party was already in full swing. I really hope Ivy and the rest of the girls are here, because I didn't want to just be standing around like a lame.

Drake's "Look Alive" song was playing as I walked in the house, looking around for my girls, instantly seeing them standing near the far left window. I headed over to where they were, embracing them all in a hug.

"Sorry I'm late. My parents were going over the rules again, plus it took me like an hour and a half to get dressed." I told them.

"I can tell, but you look cute girl!" My best friend, SaMiyah, said as she danced and sipped on her drink.

"I agree. Lucas won't be able to keep his hands off of you when he see's you." Royalty added.

"He better try. Is Ivy here yet?" I asked.

"Not yet, but she says she's on her way." Jazzlynn said. "Her mom was giving her a hard time about coming." I shook my head, looking out into the crowd of people, waving at Gabe as he headed towards me.

" I shook my head, looking out into the crowd of people, waving at Gabe as he headed towards me

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