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Bella Clarke

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Bella Clarke

I was laying on the couch, rocking Alayah to sleep, while watching reruns of Tyler Perry's Love Thy Neighbor on Hulu. My parents had gone out to dinner with my grandma and grandpa, leaving me home to babysit my younger siblings; but since Mila and Cairo were old enough to watch themselves...I only had to keep an eye on Zaiden and an even closer eye on Alayah.

After making dinner for everyone and making sure they had their baths, I allowed them to do whatever they wanted to do, as long as they didn't get on my nerves. So far, everything has been cool, calm, and collected and once I get this baby to sleep...I'll be home free.

"Come on, Layah Bug. Go to sleep." I said, looking down at her while she looked up at me. She was tired and you could see it all in her eyes, but for some reason she fighting her sleep. Just as her eyes started to droop, the doorbell rung, waking her right back up. "Ugh, dammit!" I got up from the couch, still bouncing her in my arms, as I went to open the door.

"Hey Bella, is Ivy here?" My Uncle Tevin asked, stepping into the house.

"No, I thought she was at her mom's house. Is everything okay?"

"I don't even know. She was at her mom's house, but then she called me and I could hear them both arguing and shit got real. I went over there to see what the hell was going on, but when I got there...she was gone."

"Well she hasn't called me or anything, but when I texted her earlier, she said she was hanging out with Tevin." I told him.

"I know, but I don't know where that little boy lives. I bet she's with him though." He grumbled. "Can you call her and see if she picks up her phone?"

"Sure." I dialed her number and put the phone on speaker, but she sent my call directly to voicemail. "What the fu-" I stopped mid-sentence and looked up at my uncle, as he glared at me.

"Gon head and finish what you was finna say, lil girl."

"Fudgsicle." I smiled.

"Yeah, that's what I thought. Where the hell could she be?"

"I'll call Gabe and see if he's heard from her." I shifted Alayah from one side to the other, dialing Gabe and putting the call on speaker.

"Hey baby, I can't talk right now." He answered.

"This won't take long. Ivy is missing and I was calling to see if you've heard from her? My Uncle Tevin is here looking for her and she's not answering any of our calls."

"Are you serious? I haven't heard from her, but I'll see if I can get in touch with her and I'll call you back and let you know." He said.

"Okay, please do. One more thing...do you have Tay's number?" I asked.

"No, but I'm sure I can find it. I'll call you back in a little bit. Love you."

"Love you too." I hung up and looked over at my uncle, who looked stressed and mad as hell. "What happened?"

"Man I don't know. She called me and when I answered, I heard her and her mama arguing and after that...I heard some smacking and then a loud crash. I then heard Ivy crying and then the line went dead. I asked her mama what happened and she was too upset to talk to me about it, but I'm bout to call your mama and see if she can try and look for her. Let me know if you hear from her." He said.

"I will." He gave me a side hug and kissed my forehead, leaving the house, as I carried a sleeping Alayah upstairs and laid her down in her bed. She must've fell asleep in between all this commotion, but I wasn't complaining. After I tucked her in, I closed the door behind me and headed downstairs, seeing if I could find out where the hell Ivy was. I was about to send Jazz, SaMiyah, and Ro a group text message, asking if they've seen or heard from her, but I stopped when I noticed that I had a text from Gabe.

MyBae😍😘🤗❤: Ivy's with me, but don't tell anyone she's here.

Me: Is she okay?

MyBae😍😘🤗❤: She's fine. Just a little shaken up. She's going to stay the night here, but if they plan on calling the police...let me know.

Me: Okay, but let her know that I'll be over there first thing in the morning and I love her.

MyBae😍😘🤗❤: She said she loves you too, but what about me?

Me: Lol...you know I love you, crazy.

I smiled as I headed upstairs to my room, climbing into bed, and waiting on Gabe to text me back. I really hope Ivy is okay and I planned on getting the full story from her in the morning, but hopefully her parents won't call the police. Then I'll have to tell them where she is and I don't want to do that, especially if she's hiding from them.

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