Chapter 7: Too close

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I stepped away from the door scared of what might happen. Looking around I tried to find a way to escape but my room only had one door and the window was too high to jump out of it. So I crawled back into the corner behind my bed.

Suddenly there was a loud noise coming from the door. Then it was silent again. I closed my eyes praying to get out of here.

That's when the door flew wide upon. He must have kicked it in. I covered my mouth trying to be quiet. Still, after a few seconds of looking around he caught my eye. His green eyes stared at me intensely. He looked me over from head to toe before coming closer with a smirk plastered on his stupid face.

"Colin? You scared the hell out of me! What are you doing?", I shouted at him trying to suppress my fear.

"You know exactly what I'm here for. So, do you want to do this the easy or the hard way?"

"I want you to stay away from me." I stood up from the ground.

"I'm afraid that's something I can't do." He came closer to me placing his hand on my cheek. I pushed it away immediately as I felt disgusted by his sudden closeness. "Well, the hard way it is..."

Colin grabbed my arm violently and pushed me against the wall. He brought his face closer to mine again. "Stop it. You're hurting me!", I whispered desperately.

"Oh, poor little angel. Is nobody here to protect you? Not even your precious boyfriend?" He exhaled heavily. "Now I'm finally getting what I wanted. After all this time of Mark pushing me around like trash, I can finally take something from him." Slowly he pressed his lips against mine.

"Colin, please. I'm sorry for what Mark has done to you. But I don't have anything to do with it."

"Oh, please. Stop whining. Actually, I'm doing you a favor. I'm helping you to get over this idiot that you call your boyfriend."

With all my strength I tried to fight Colin off of me but failed miserably. Instead he pushed me onto the bed. He slipped his hand underneath my shirt and pulled it over my head. I knew that it was not worth fighting him anymore because he was ten times stronger than me. So I closed my eyes and swallowed my pride.

He ripped my pants off and moved his hand all over my panties. "Perfect... Now turn around." Since I didn't really have another choice I obligated and layed down on my stomach. His hands ran all over my back when suddenly there was a loss of touch. I was afraid of what might happen next but there was nothing.

I just heard a male voice groaning. When I turned around I saw Colin being dragged out of the room by another man with jet black hair. That's all I could see before they were gone.

After a few seconds I was left alone in silence but I was still paralyzed from shock. My mind was trying to put all of the pieces together.

My first thought was that Colin tried to rape me... I knew that he was an asshole but I never thought that Colin was capable of doing something like that.

Secondly, I wondered who rescued me from Colin. Was it possible that Mark came to my house just at the right time? Or was it the guy with the unknown number? But that would mean that Colin didn't send me those texts in the first place...

My phone started buzzing, so I took it out of my pocket.

Un: Are you okay???

Me: Yes, I think so... Were you the one who rescued me?

Un: I wouldn't call it a rescue but yeah, I took him before he could do anything else to you. I just hope you're feeling okay

Me: But who are you? And why are you helping me? We don't even know each other

Un: Who said that we didn't know each other?

Me: I just figured...

My whole world was upside down. My so called stalker rescued me from getting raped by my boyfriend's best friend and I had no idea what to do about it.

Then the doorbell rang. Did Colin come back? But how and why would he ring the bell all of a sudden? Or maybe it was him - the guy behind the unknown number?

The bell rang again. Carefully I made my way down the stairs and peaked through the window.

"Goddammit, Chloe. Open the freaking door!", my best friend yelled from outside. A sigh of relief escaped my mouth as I opened the door.

"You don't know how glad I am that you're here right now." I pulled her into a long hug.

"Okay... I thought we had a date. You know saying goodbye to your best friend who is leaving tomorrow."

"Right, I'm so sorry. I totally forgot." I invited her in and we sat down on the couch.

"So, what's wrong? You're acting so weird today.", Aileen spat out.

"I don't even know where to start..." I told her the whole story - about Mark's weird behavior, the texts from the unknown number and what happened today with Colin.

"Chloe, I'm so sorry. I had no idea..." Tears started filling her eyes as she looked at me in sympathy.

"It's okay. Honestly, I just feel numb. So much happened those last few days that I don't even know what to feel anymore." We talked about everything going on for more than two hours.

"I wish I could stay any longer to be there for you. But my parents are expecting me home by now. I really have to leave."

"Any last piece of advise?", I asked her expectingly.

"Since you need a friend to talk to when I'm gone, I think you should trust the person behind those messages."

"What do you mean? Do you know who it is?" My eyes widened.

"I have my theories about it." She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and left without saying anything else.

"Aileen, wait! Please tell me who it is...", I shouted after her but she didn't turn around. And with those last few words my best friend was gone for who knows how long.

Author's Note:
Hey loves, luckily I found some time to update even sooner than usual. This chapter was just too exciting to write.

Who do you think rescued Chloe from Colin? Was it really her 'stalker'?
What does Aileen know about the person behind the messages?
And can Chloe really trust that person?

If you like this story so far please vote, comment, add it to a reading list or share it with your friends. It would mean a lot to me ♥️

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