Chapter 11: Jealousy

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"Sweetheart, are you awake?" My mom knocked on the door over and over again. I was awake. Actually, I had been awake for more than three hours but I didn't feel like getting up. Getting up meant that I had to drag myself to school possibly seeing Mrs. Gregory, Mark and Noah who still wasn't talking to me for some reason. All I wanted was to stay in bed.

"Chloe, I know that you just broke up with Mark and that everything seems useless right now. But you have to go to school." Yes, I had told my mom about our breakup, leaving out all the dirty details but she was the kind of woman who thought a good education was more important than everything else. I used to think so too but with everything going on right now how could I still concentrate on school, how could I still go to Mrs. Gregory's classes?

I groaned loudly before dragging myself out of bed. "I'll be there in a minute!"

With nobody left to pick me up I walked to the closest bus stop and waited for what felt like an eternity. After 10 minutes I realized that I had already missed the school bus.

Just as I wanted to walk back home and crawl into my bed. A car stopped right next to me. "Do you need a ride, ma chérie?"

"Yes, I do actually." I smiled at the tall blonde haired boy and got into the passenger seat. "I'm sorry for being so rude yesterday."

He smiled at me while starting the engine. "It's okay. I could tell that you were having a bad day."

"Thank you. I'm Chloe by the way."

"It's nice to meet you, Chloe. I'm François. My family just moved here from France."

"Oh really? So what do you think about America so far?"

"There are truly some beautiful girls living here." He looked into my eyes after pulling into the school's parking lot.

I quickly got out of the car before he could see me blush. "Anyway, François. Thanks for the ride and I guess I'll see you around."

"I guess so."


If you don't have any friends at school lunchtime is always the worst time of the day. I wasn't the kind of person who went to the library. So I sat alone at a table for four surrounded by all the other students that were staring and whispering.

To my surprise someone placed his tray right in front of me. I looked up into his baby blue eyes and I couldn't stop a smile from crossing my face. "I hope you don't mind, ma chérie."

"Not at all. I'm glad at least one person doesn't mind sitting with me." I sighed.

"Why were you sitting alone in the first place? You seem like a nice girl. Where are your friends?"

"It's a long story. Simply put, my best friend moved away and my boyfriend cheated on me."

"Je suis désolé. You really deserve better than that."

Behind François I saw Mark watching our every move. His fists were clenched and his eyes narrow. I wanted to show him what he had lost. So I leaned forward and placed my hand on François' shoulder. "At least, you're here now", I said as sweetly as possible.

François took my hand and traced it with his lips. "Whenever you need me..."

In that very moment Mark made his way towards us. He banged his fist on the table. "What do you think you're doing here?"

"Enjoying some good company. I haven't had it in a long time." I knew that me moving on so quickly would drive Mark crazy.

He stared at me, his jaw tightening but before he could do anything about his rising anger, Noah showed up behind him. "Mark, calm down. It's not worth it."

Mark turned around gripping Noah's shoulder. "Who are you to talk? You have no idea what's going on but still, you're never able to mind your own damn business!"

"Oh, so you expect me to just stand by while you treat other people like shit. Sorry buddy, but that's not gonna happen!" He pushed Mark's arm away not willing to defer.

I stood up from my table pushing myself between them. "I think you should leave, Mark."

"Really? You push me away after everything I've done for you? You still owe me, Chloe Anderson... And Noah, this is not over yet." With that being said he turned around and left.

A tear started to form in the corner of my eye. Mark was right. He had been there for me when I needed him most. Could I really just throw that away?

As my knees started to feel weak, François came up beside me and wrapped his arms around me. "It's going to be okay. You just can't let him get to you."

I brushed my tears away and looked up at him. "Can we go somewhere else, please? I can't stand all the others staring at me."

He nodded in agreement and took my hand. "Of course, ma chérie. I'm gonna make you feel better."

Author's Note:
Hey loves, after more than four months in Australia, I'm finally back home. So hopefully, I will have more time to write new chapters.

What do you think about François? I haven't really made up my mind about him. So I'm excited to hear what you think.
Is Mark's jealousy eligible? Or is he overreacting?
What do you think about Noah stepping in?
And what is François planning to cheer Chloe up?

If you like this story so far please vote, comment, add it to a reading list or share it with your friends. It would mean a lot to me ♥️

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