Chapter 1: Undeniable

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"Chloe, we're going to be late!" Aileen shouted from outside. I slid into my sneakers, grabbed my bag and ran through the door. Aileen was already waiting in her car, impatiently. "Seriously, if you want me to pick you up for school, you should at least be on time."

"Geez, it's not even that late." I stated and pulled her into a hug.

"Well, have fun explaining that to Mrs. Gregory." she said chuckling. But Aileen was right, Mrs. Gregory wasn't exactly my biggest fan and she used every possible excuse to make that clear. So being late to her class would have been my death sentence.

Do you think I'm over-exaggerating? Yes, maybe a little bit but one certainly couldn't deny her hatred against me ever since I had taken her class in summer. It was exhausting. Besides, Mrs. Gregory had no legitimate reason to hate me. I was a good student, I always did my homework and I was studying as much as I could. Trust me, I had tried everything, I even asked the principal to let me switch classes but he wouldn't let me, saying that Mrs. Gregory was one of the best teachers this school had ever had... But why don't you just see for yourself?

I entered the classroom and let myself fall onto my usual seat. Luckily, Mrs. Gregory wasn't there yet which gave me some time to relax. I was dozing off when suddenly someone tapped me on the shoulder. I immediately knew that it was Colin, my boyfriend's best friend.

In case you're wondering... Yes, I did have a boyfriend. His name was Mark and he was 18 (just like me). Honestly, our relationship was amazing. Mark was very caring and sincere which made him the perfect first boyfriend. Besides, he was really easy on the eyes. We had been together for almost one year and we couldn't have been happier. The only annoying thing about our relationship were his friends. It's not that I hated them but as members of the football team, they could be very arrogant and cocky which Mark didn't seem to mind.

Since I was trying to be polite for Mark's sake, I turned around and smiled. "Hey, Colin"

"Wow, you look tired today." he said with his usual arrogant smile. Deep down I just wanted to turn back around and ignore him but, trying to be the perfect girlfriend, I decided against it.

"Charming as always, I see." I answered sarcastically.

"Calm down, I was just kidding. Of course you look beautiful, princess." He reached out for my hand and placed a small kiss on it. All I could do was to roll my eyes.

"I hate to interrupt your little flirt but the lesson has begun, Miss Anderson." Mrs. Gregory's voice rang in my ears. Like every Monday morning my lovely teacher found a way to embarrass me in front of the whole class.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Gregory." I didn't even dare to look up from my desk as my cheeks were heating up.

"Anyway, today we'll be talking about Harper Lee's novel 'To Kill a Mockingbird'. So for the ones who actually read the novel over the weekend, what do you think the main topic of the story is?" I immediately raised my hand along with a few other students. "Miss Anderson?"

"In my opinion, the novel mainly discusses the issue of intolerance. As you can see by many examples throughout the book like Boo Radley and Tom Robinson, people are being judged from the way they look or invalid rumors about them..."

That's when Mrs. Gregory cut me off. "Okay, thank you." Actually, I was really proud of myself and at least my teacher didn't say anything to insult me. A few other students said that the novel dealt with racism, growing up and the small-town life until Colin raised his hand.

"I think the novel is about discrimination and tolerance. People are being judged way too easily." Was he being serious? Colin just said the exact same thing I did a few minutes earlier. He only put it in other words. I bet he didn't even read the novel.

"Very good, Mister Miller, I'm happy to see that some people actually read the novel and took some time to think about it." From the corner of my eye I could see Noah trying to hold back his laughter. Mrs. Gregory seemed to notice him as well. She turned around frowning at Noah. "Mister Shaw, is there something you would like to share with the class?"

Noah seemed to be caught completely off guard. It took him a few moments before regaining his composure. "I - I was just admiring how Colin's answer really outdid the rest of the class." he said bursting out into laughter again. This time he wasn't that subtle about it.

"Is there anything else?" Mrs. Gregory asked in a dangerously calm voice.

"No, that's all I wanted to say." Noah pressed his lips together in order not to make another sound.

After one more hour of absolute torture the school bell finally rang. I packed up my things as fast as possible not wanting to talk to... "Chloe, wait." It was too late. Colin was already standing right beside me. "I'm sorry about before. I just hated seeing Mrs. Gregory ignore your brilliant answer like that. So I wanted to give it another shot."

"Jerk," I blurted out walking into the hallway but Colin wouldn't stop following me. He circled around me in his usual annoying manner.

"Oh look, there's your boyfriend. You surely don't want to fight in front of him, do you?" I just decided to ignore Mark's idiotic friend.

As we reached the small group of friends, Mark instinctively wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close for a soft kiss. While I looked into his eyes, I quickly forgot about what Colin had done. And that's how I had always been able to hold up with Mark's friends. As soon as I saw him and felt his lips on mine, everything else suddenly felt irrelevant. It was just the two of us against the rest of the world.

Author's Note:
Hey loves, I'm really excited for this new story and I hope you'll love it as much as I do. It's not the classical romance story of a girl meeting a boy and instantly falling in love with him. But still, don't worry. Things are going to heat up pretty quickly.

I would love to hear what you're thinking about this story so far.
Besides, does Mrs. Gregory really hate Chloe that much? Why would she if Chloe is such a great student?
And what do you think about Colin?

I'll post the next part of this story in only two days. So stay tuned ♥️

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