Chapter 37: Revenge

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I wake up, two muscular arms wrapped all around me. I lean into his warm embrace and close my eyes once more. Noah places a soft kiss on the back of my head. "Don't fall asleep again." He whispers into my ear.

I sigh quietly. "Can we please stay like this for the rest of the day?"

"It's a school day, darling. We'll have to get up eventually." I turn around to face him before pressing my lips on his. As we pull away, Noah smiles brightly, his eyes not leaving mine.

"What if we don't go?" I suggest wiggling my eyebrows.

"Sounds tempting... but I won't let you skip school because of me." Noah kisses my forehead. "Besides, have you already forgotten what day it is?"

"Of course not, but what if anything goes wrong?" I sigh loudly and burry my face in a pillow.

Next thing I know, Noah has lifted me up from the bed and carries me towards the bathroom. "Everything will work out perfectly. Now get ready. We can't be late again." He puts me down in front of the sink and turns around to leave. Still annoyed, I stick out my tongue. "I saw that." He announces with a chuckle.


"I still hate this." Noah says as he stops the car about 300 meters away from the school.

I lean over and give him a quick kiss. "Hopefully, it will be the last time."

I reach over to open the door but Noah locks it from the driver seat. "If anything goes wrong, whatever it is, you scream, okay? I told Aileen and Joe to stay nearby. And please, don't get too caught up in it."

"Hey," I take Noah's face into my hands, "it's going to be fine, I promise." He smiles faintly before finally unlocking the door and letting me step outside.

After a while, I see Noah driving past me. He parks his car in the school's parking lot and walks inside. I need a few more minutes to reach the entrance. Taking a deep breath, I push the door open.

I stop in my tracks as I see Colin and Noah in the middle of the hallway, obviously fighting. "Do you even know how many weeks I spent in the hospital because of you? I couldn't eat any solid food for days." Colin shouts.

"Honestly, it was well deserved and I don't regret it one bit." Noah returns, his expression cold.

Maggie walks up beside Noah and places a hand on his shoulder. She whispers something that seems to catch Noah's attention. I can't help but to stare at them. Get away from my man!

Colin seems to notice too because all of a sudden, his eyes are darting through me. "Look who it is. Chloe, my dear, don't you want to say something?"

I'm frozen in place, unable to say a single word. Noah looks over at me but his expression stays unconcerned.

"Why don't we make a game out of this?" Colin continues.

No one dares to say anything until Mark suddenly appears beside me. "Just leave her out of this, bro. Chloe doesn't have anything to do with it."

Colin smiles even wider than before. "No, no, you're gonna like this. Noah and I still have some unfinished business. Let's say, we'll settle this through a fight after school."

"That's ridiculous." Maggie states, practically clinging to Noah's arm.

"One person can stop this fight if she wants to." Colin's gaze shifts towards me again. "Chloe, if you don't want this fight to happen, all you have to do is to admit that you still have feelings for Noah and it kills you to see him with Maggie."

Mark snorts beside me. "You're such in idiot. Chloe has no feelings for this douchebag and she doesn't care if the two of you fight or not, right babe?"

I swallow hard and look over at my boyfriend. His face is still completely emotionless. If I still want my plan to work, Mark can't suspect a thing about us. Besides, Noah can easily win a fight against Colin. He has won one before. "I don't care. If you're childish enough to fight each other, I won't stop you."

Mark's smile grows wider. "You heard her. Go ahead and fight over who knows what."

Maggie pulls Noah back. "You don't have to do this. Just tell Colin that you won't fight against him. It's not worth it."

Noah shrugs his shoulders. "Yes, I do. If Chloe says she doesn't care, why would I care. I beat Colin once and I can easily do it again." A sharp pain goes through me as Noah agrees to the fight.

"If you say so..." Colin chuckles. "I'll see you after school behind the old gym. Don't be late, Shaw." Noah doesn't even bother to look at me. He just nods faintly and walks away.

I'm torn between running after him and staying with Mark to finish what I started. Then, thankfully, my phone screen lights up.

Noah: I'm okay, love. Just stick with the plan and it will be worth it.

My heart makes a jump out of relief. Not even Colin can stop Noah and I. We are stronger than ever.

I smile at my phone when Mark speaks up again. "Do you want me to take you to your next class?" He asks casually.

"Actually, there's something else I have to do. Do you remember the surprise I had planned for you? Let's meet during the lunch break in Mrs. Gregory's old classroom and I will show you what it is." I bite my lower lip and smile.

"Okay... but why in Mrs. Gregory's old classroom?" He looks slightly reluctant.

I know that I have to play this right. Otherwise everything we have done will be for nothing. "I know that you slept with her because our relationship was kind of boring. So I need a private place to add some excitement. You wouldn't mind, would you?"

To my relief, Mark smiles like a little boy in a candy store. "Of course not, I love it."

I brush my finger over his cheek. "Alright, let's meet up later and you'll get to see a whole new side of me."

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