Chapter 21: Secret Pact

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"So you told him to stay away from you because he was trying to protect you?", Joe asked, clearly confused.

"I know, it's stupid but I thought he was bragging about getting into a fight with Mark. If I had known that he was the one who had rescued me from Colin, the one who had revealed the truth about Mark and the one who had brought Mrs. Gregory behind bars, I would have reacted a little differently.", I said sarcastically.

"Wait... rescued you from Colin? Is Colin in the hospital because of him?" Joe's eyes widened.

"That's another story... But don't you see how much I owe to him and now he's just gone, out of nowhere."

"Alright, Chloe, I promise to you that I won't stop until we get him back."

I sighed in relief. "Thank you, Joe. You really are a good friend."

"Remember that for the next time I screw something up." He smiled brightly. "And, I don't know, the two of you would look kinda cute together." As much as I tried to prevent it, my cheeks were heating up immediately. "Are you blushing?

"No, of course not." I narrowed my eyes on him, warning him to let it go and gladly, he did.

"We should probably get going.", Joe said glancing at his watch. "You don't wanna be late for our new substitute teacher's first class, do you? Although it would be funny if she loved you as much as Mrs. Gregory did right from the start."

I poked him in the ribs, suppressing the smile that crept up on my face. He wrapped his arm around me to stop me from hitting him any further. "Don't act like the thought hasn't crossed your mind", Joe added.

Indeed, we entered the classroom right on time. A middle aged woman followed behind us. "Hello, class. My name is Mrs. Andrews and I'm your new substitute teacher. Some of you may have heard what happened to Mrs. Gregory but we're asking you to keep a low profile about it." I looked over to Joe who rolled his eyes in response. "Anyways, I'm going to start with the attendance sheet... Chloe Anderson?"

"Yes" I raised my hand for her to see. After a few other students she asked for Colin Miller. "I'm afraid he's still at the hospital.", I answered carefully.

"Oh no, poor boy..." She read on. "What about Noah Shaw?" The whole classroom was instantly silent.

"He's sick.", I quickly said, earning a loud cough from Joe. He shook his head at me but I ignored him. "I'm sure Noah will be back in a few days, Mrs. Andrews."

The rest of the period wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Mrs. Andrews was actually really nice and she put a lot of effort into her teaching.

Unfortunately, during one of the exercises my phone vibrated in my pocket. Without thinking, I fidgeted it out of my pocket to check if Noah had texted me but Mrs. Andrews got ahead of me and took the phone out of my hand. "No phones in my class, please. You can pick yours up at the principals office after sixth period, Miss Anderson."

"But I'm expecting an important call.", I pleaded.

"If it's not a family emergency, I can't make an exception. I'm sorry." Slowly, I sank back into my seat.


Sixth period was finally over, so I was waiting in front of Mr. Jenson's office. I tapped my toes from the suspense. I just needed to know if Noah had texted me.

"Nervous?", Cole asked from behind me. He smirked at my seemingly stressed out appearance.

"Why would you think that?", I asked sarcastically. At that time I really didn't need another person analyzing me.

"Just an observation..."

"What are you doing here, anyways?", I asked him. It looked like we had to wait out there for a while, so I might have as well talked to him.

"Some girl is accusing me of harassing her." Cole rolled his eyes as if it was a small inconvenience.

"For real? That's a serious issue, Cole! Did you...?" I didn't dare form the words in my mouth.

"Did I harass her? Of course not, Chloe! Admittedly, I've been a jerk to a lot of girls but I would never touch anyone against their will." He sounded pretty annoyed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you..."

But Mr. Jenson interrupted me. "Miss Anderson, you can come in now." I gave Cole a quick smile before disappearing into the principal's office.

"Please, take a seat. Mrs. Andrews told me that you didn't turn off your phone and took it out of your pocket during class."

"I'm sorry, Mister Jenson. I was actually waiting for a reply from Noah to hear what happened and where he is. Can't you tell me which school he transferred to?" I knew that it was inappropriate to ask something like that but I was really desperate.

"I can't. If Mister Shaw doesn't want anyone to know about his whereabouts there is nothing I can do. It was his free decision to transfer... Still, I can understand your worry about him, so there won't be any consequences as long as you promise to keep your phone turned off during classes in the future." He placed the phone in front of me.

"I promise and thank you.", I answered, taking my phone from his desk and leaving as quickly as possible. "Good luck in there", I muttered towards Cole as I turned my phone back on.

I had one new message.

Un: Judging by your last few texts, I take that you figured out who I am by now but it doesn't really change anything. To make that clear once and for all: I'm not coming back! You were right when you told me to stay away from you. I went too far and I know that everything I do in your presence would only cause you harm. That's why I had to leave. Please don't come looking for me! It's not worth it. Finally, I hope that you will live a long and happy life without me. Goodbye, Noah

Author's Note:
Hey loves, I kind of hate myself for letting Noah disappear just like that but trust me, it will be worth it.

Do you think that Joe and Chloe will find Noah and bring him back?
Did Cole really harass a girl?
What do you think about Noah's text?
And how will Chloe react to it?

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