Chapter 22: Alone

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My hands were trembling as I typed my reply to him. I felt like the hallway was narrowing down on me. My heart beat out of my chest. Desperately, I was stumbling towards the exit to breathe some fresh air.

Me: You know what? That's bullshit! I was wrong about everything. You think you are hurting me if you stay close? Quick update: without you I would have been raped by Colin and would still be humiliated by Mrs. Gregory. I want and need you in my life, Noah... the real you and not just some act you're playing. Why are you so afraid of opening up to me?

Moments after hitting send I crashed into Joe who had been waiting for me outside. Without his hand keeping my body upright, I would have probably lost my balance. "What's going on?", he asked his eyes fixated on me.

I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders and started sobbing uncontrollably. Tears were rolling down his shoulder but I couldn't stop crying.

Joe stroked my back carefully. "Hey, it's going to be okay. No matter what you're thinking right know, it will get better, I promise. I'm here for you... whatever you need."

Finally, I managed to form words in my mouth again. "Can you just drive me home?"

"Of course"


Back at home I showed Joe the message and we talked for hours. To my surprise Joe seemed convinced that Noah would change his mind sooner or later and that he would come back to us. I just hoped he was right.

"Are you feeling better?" Joe asked as the sun was already setting. I just nodded. "So you will be okay without me?" I nodded again. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Just go home, you have to get up early tomorrow.", I said trying to sound convincing.

"Alright. But if anything's wrong you call me, okay?" His eyebrows were still raised.

"Yes..." I practically pushed him through the door. "I will be fine." Finally, he nodded his agreement and drove off which meant I was alone again.

I checked my phone every few seconds to see if Noah had texted me back but there was nothing. The disappointment crossed through my mind over and over again until I couldn't take it anymore. I had to leave the house and do something to distract me.


The streets were utterly empty as I strolled through them. I walked past a playground and the memories of Finn came flooding back to me. We always used to come to that exact spot and played for hours until Mom called us back inside for dinner. When I started school, I spent almost every afternoon on that exact bench doing my homework while Finn either played or collected flowers that he would later give to me. On his last day I had told him that I was too busy to come play with him and after he had left, I never saw him again.

The memories were still haunting me day after day. Maybe if I had come with him, he would still be alive, maybe I would still be able to hold him in my arms, to read a goodnight story to him when he couldn't fall asleep...

I felt the tears filling my eyes again and blinked them away almost aggressively. Not right now... I wouldn't let the memories overwhelm me again.

Silently, I left the playground behind me and walked into the closest bar. Then and there, I needed everything to stop, I needed to forget even if it was just for one night.

Gladly, the bartender didn't ask for my ID when I placed a 20$ bill on the counter and asked for shots of tequila, as many as possible.

I was just finishing my fourth shot when someone walked up to me. "I wonder what that pretty mouth of you can do beside downing that much alcohol." A middle aged man sat down next to me.

"You wouldn't want to know.", I said turning away from him.

"Oh, I would love to find out." He placed his hand on my thigh. "Let me buy you another drink."

Before I could answer another man came up behind me. "Chloe, darling, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for that long but the traffic was a disaster." I recognized his voice immediately from our little encounter in front of Mr. Jenson's office and I figured, it would be a good idea to play along.

"Cole, what a pleasure that you could still make it." I twirled around on the bar chair, brushing the man's hand off. He seemed to take the hint and left.

Cole took his place beside me. "Rough day?", he chuckled.

"Rough life", I groaned downing another shot. "So how did things go with Mr. Jenson?" Feeling the alcohol kick in, I rested my head on my hand.

"Not that well. Stacey is filing charges against me."

"Did you say Stacey?" I laughed remembering how she flirted shamelessly with Noah until I told her that he had herpes. "She's one of a kind."

"Indeed." Cole waved at the bartender ordering a drink for himself. "What about you?"

"Mr. Jenson gave me my phone back.", I stated not wanting to get into it.

"So that's a good thing, right?" He looked kind of confused.

"Yeah, I guess so..." I started chewing on my lower lip as I waited for my next drink. Even with all of this alcohol inside of my, my thoughts were still spinning around Noah. This had to stop! "Hey, I have an idea. Do you want to help me forget all of the shitty things that happened to me lately?" Seductively, I leaned in a bit closer. "Just this one night of fun without any feelings or consequences..."

Cole swallowed slowly before giving me an answer. "And what would that 'fun' include?"

"Why don't we find out?" I ran my finger over his chest down to his thigh. He smirked at me before pulling my chair closer to his.

Carefully, he brushed my hair behind my ear and leaned in. I closed my eyes holding onto his legs to stabilize myself.

Author's Note:
Hey loves, Chloe's life is pretty much going downhill right now but don't lose faith in her.

Do you think Joe is right? Will Noah come back? Or did he just say that to comfort Chloe?
Will Chloe ever forgive herself for Finn's death?
What would have happened if Cole hadn't come to Chloe's rescue?
And what is going to happen between Chloe and Cole?

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