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"Oh please Alya!" I laughed.

"Oh come on, you don't even see it a little bit?"

"Of course not! Adrien is amazing, and Chat Noir..." I stopped my sentence.

"I'm just teasing Marinette!"

We walked side by side up the stairs of the school. I heard the bell ring, signaling it was time for class. The bell startled me, causing me to trip up the stairs. How does someone fall UP stairs? I landed on my knee, pain striking up through it.

"Ow!" I yelped as cupped my knee.

"Marinette!" I heard Alya say as she bent down to help me.

It felt like I was going to cry, but I was trying really hard to hold it back.

"Nino, Adrien, come help." I heard her say.

Adrien?! Oh, I'm actually feeling much better.

"It's fine Alya." I said, trying to stand up.

"I used to have a health tutor, don't try to stand on it." Adrien instructed.

I was mortified, but I guess Adrien would know more than I would. I sat back down on the steps of the school, stretching my leg to the lower steps.

"I'm fine, you guys can get to class." I said sheepishly.

"Your safety is more important than being a little late to class." Adrien said looking at my knee.

Oh. My. Gosh. Adrien just said that to me. Adrien!

"Oh thanks ya. You should stay. I mean.. I mean staying for thanks. Thanks for staying!"

Why am I like this?

Adrien laughed. "Here, I'll help you to class. If you stay off of it for a while it should be fine. Just don't go doing anything crazy!"

"Oh ya, we all know Marinette lives a crazy life." Nino joked.

Alya, Nino, and Adrien started laughing, causing me to shyly laugh along. Man, if only they knew. Adrien put his hand around me to keep me steady, but I almost fell over once again.

"You ok?" He asked.

"Oh uh ya just hurt to stand up for a second."

"You're strong, you got this" he said encouragingly.

As the 4 of us walked into class late, we were met with an annoyed look.

"Thanks for finally joining us." Rang the teacher.

Chloe shined a dirty look our way after seeing Adrien's arm around me. It made me almost happy.
He helped me sit down in my chair and I reached my leg out to stretch it. I couldn't let go of the feeling of his arm me. Something almost felt familiar about it, but I pushed the thought aside. A smile traced my lips as I tried to concentrate on what the teacher was teaching.


I scoffed as I saw 4 people walk into class. It wasn't fair that they got to walk in like royalty. I was late yesterday and I was given detention. It was probably because Adrien was a model and Marinette was the class representative.

"Can I go to the restroom." I asked

"Kim, get here earlier and go before class."

"But Ms..."

"No excuses!" She rang loudly.

My anger was rising. I knew I should do something to keep it intact, but I couldn't help it. I pushed my papers to the side and stood up in my spot.

"Mr. Kim, sit down!"

I ignored her commands and walked outside of the classroom. I walked pass the courtyard and to the locker room, sitting on the bench with my head in my hands. I could feel the anger spreading.


I was in shock after the conversation between the teacher and Kim. I knew what was coming next.

"Ow." I said in my best fake voice.

Adrien turned around, seeming like he was longing for something.

"Marinette are you ok?" He asked.

"No, my knee really hurts. May I go to the nurse?" I asked, still trying to keep my voice convincing.

"I'll take her!" Adrien offered quickly, getting out of his chair before the teacher had a chance to answer.

He helped me out of the door, going quicker then I would've liked. He hurried me towards the nurses door, letting me go as soon as we got there.

"Sorry Marinette! I have to uh.. uh.. go to the restroom."

I saw him run past the bathrooms and out the door. I was confused, but I didn't have time to worry about it now. I went behind a secluded corner of the school yard, Tikki flying out of my pocket.

"Get ready Tikki." I said.

"Marinette wait!" She said quickly. "You're hurt. You can't transform. You'll be injured as Ladybug too!"

"I don't have a choice! Tikki spots on!"

Next thing I knew, I was standing in my ladybug costume. For a second I forgot the pain, and then I remembered as I tried to run away.

"Good one Marinette." I mumbled to myself as I used my yo-yo to get myself out of the school.


Hey this is the start of my story! It's gonna be about them finding out of their secret identities and whatnot. I hope you enjoy!

In Front of my Eyes : A Miraculous StoryWhere stories live. Discover now