My bestfriend

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I walked into practice late, as usual. I set my stuff down near the bleachers and I walked over to We're the team was standing around coach.

"Ah John your finally here" he said.

"Yeah sorry coach I hit some traffic."

"Traffic, traffic, traffic," he said clicking his tongue "five extra laps after practice" he said after a moment of thinking. I shrugged, I mean that isn't the worst punishment he has ever given me.

"So who made you late this time" Kelly whispered in my ear as coach was talking.

"Just stop, you know I'm not dating anyone" I muttered after rolling my eyes and sighing. I tried to focus on coach and not the things he was saying.

"Was it that girl from the club" he paused for a second "or was it that cute chick who lives in your neighborhood" he stopped to think of another example "oh I know" he whispered "it was Bradley."

"Wait what" I said, louder than I had intended to. Everyone went silent and looked at me. Coach raised his eyebrows.

"Wait what John" he said "wait you weren't listening, or do you think that what Kelly was saying, was more important than what I was saying."

"Well I, uh, I" I stammered.

"That's what I thought" he said "you owe me ten laps after practice."

"Ok" I sighed. Bradley looked at me and I sighed.

"Sorry" he whispered. I shrugged then focused back on what coach was saying. The rest or practice continued at normal until the end.

"Hey John I want those ten done before I leave" coach said as he was walking to the elevator.

"Yes sir" I grumbled. I started to run around the court. I was halfway done when I heard the locker room door open and close. I looked up and saw Bradley walk out. "Oh hey Bradley can you wait just a few more minuets?" I asked him.

"Oh yeah sure" he said. He put his stuff down and then he sat down on one of the benches that the janitors had set out. I finished running my laps and I went and sat beside him.

"Wanna come back to my house" I asked him.

"Oh yeah sure" he said smiling. I felt the corner of my lips tilt into a smile.

He has a nice smile I thought to myself. Wait what I can't be thinking that there is no way I just thought that. I shook my head, my mind was just wondering.

"You ok" Bradley asked me.

"Oh yeah I'm fine" I said quickly.

"Ok" he said shrugging. I heard the main entrance door open and we both looked at who was gonna walk in.

"Hey John" Kelly said after walking in and noticing me "I need you to come over to my house real quick if that's ok with you." I looked over at Bradley and he shrugged even though we had just made plans to go over to my house.

"Oh yeah that fine just let me pack up" I said. I grabbed my gym bag and put my clothes in it and I stood up. "See ya later bro" I said to Bradley.

"Oh yeah see ya later" he said. He stood up and smiled at me before he went to the locker room to grab his stuff.

"Oh shoot I left my bag in the locker room" Kelly said from behind me. "I'll be back let me go get it." He ran off to the locker room right as Bradley walked out. I felt my eyes slowly drift to him. He walked across the court and headed towards the back door cause that's were he parked.

"See ya later John" he said.

"Oh yeah see ya" I said. He went to walk out but then he stopped and pulled his phone out. He texted someone then leaned against the wall, I guess he was waiting for a reply. I looked him over, the way his six pack almost showed through his shirt, and the way he was smiling down at his phone. I felt my stomach flip, wait what no never mind that's not what it was. It couldn't be right.

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