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I sighed as I wormed up for the game without Bradley. "I wish he was here" I grumbled.

"Is pretty boy missing his boyfriend" I heard Draymond say behind me.

"God he's so annoying" I muttered under my breath. I kept shooting and didn't pay him any mind. Soon after the buzzer rang and the game started.

I went up for a layup but got blocked my Draymond.

"Imagine what Bradley say if he saw that happen" Draymond said. I rolled my eyes and ran back down the court. I guarded curry but he managed to shoot a three and make it. I sighed and jogged back down the court when they passed me the ball. I threw Kelly a lob but he missed it.

"Shit" I muttered.

"Can't do it without Bradley huh" Draymond said as I ran by him.

"Can't you keep your mouth shut" I snapped.

"Oh see he's getting all defensive about his boyfriend" he said emphasizing the word boyfriend.

"You really wanna start a fight don't you" I said. I turned my attention back to the game and what was going on. Curry was going up for a layup and ran and swatted to down. I grabbed the ball and ran back down the court and dunked. I brushed past Draymond when I ran back down the court. Litttle did I know that was a mistake. I felt something pull at the back of my jersey and I felt myself getting pulled back.

"Think you can be snarky with me huh" he said.

"Just let me go" I said "your gonna get ejected if they see you."

"Yeah well what do you think there gonna think when they find out you and Bradley are a thing."

"What how does me and Brad relate to any of this." I asked. He shrugged.

"I'm just saying."

"Well then you should stop just saying and keep playing" I said.

"You can't tell me what to do" he said.

"Yes I can" I said.

"You think you can tell anyone what to do cause Bradley listens to whatever you say and does whatever you tell him."

"You might think you know it all but you don't" I snapped "Bradley is nothing like that he doesn't just do what I say." He went to say something but he got cut off by the refs whistle. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I saw the red pointing at me.

"What no why me" I snapped "it was him he was the one trash talking and nagging and annoying me I wasn't even really responding."

"John stop before you get ejected" Kelly said.

"Me stop no I'm not gonna" I said "I got a technical I don't deserve because the refs favor him." I heard the red blow his whistle again. "I wast even yelling an you" I whined. He shrugged and I groaned. I ripped my jersey off and walked off the court.

"John, John, John" all the reporters said as I walked through the tunnel.

"Be quiet" I yelled "I don't wanna talk right now." I stormed into the locker room and sat down at my locker. I pulled out my phone and FaceTimed Bradley. He didn't answer and I groaned. "I need someone to talk to right now." I sighed and leaned back against my locker.

I advent Hammy got bored of that position and slid to the ground. I heard my phone ring and I immediately grabbed it.

"Hello" I said into my phone.

"Hey John" I heard Bradley say. I sighed at the sound of his voice.

"Thank god you called I was about to lose it" I said.

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