Plane ride

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We were all sitting around waiting for our plane to take off cause we were going to play the Lakers.

"So do you think were gonna win" Bradley asked me. 

"I don't know" I said "I mean they do have LeBron."

"But we have John" Bradley said. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Yeah me and LeBron" I said "wonder who's batter. Maybe LeBron maybe me I don't know it's a close one." He laughed and hit my shoulder.

"You know what I mean" he said smiling. I smiled back. I felt the plane jerk and I knew we were taking off.

"Finally" I groaned. He laughed.

"Can't stand sitting by me" he said jokingly. I smiled and leaned my head against him. He moved his shoulder up and I lifted my head up.

"What" I asked him.

"You don't want them to know right" he said.

"Naw I don't care about them." I laid my head back down on his shoulder and he laughed. We sat like that for a while till the pilot told us we could unfasten our seatbelts. I sat up and I did mine but I went right back to the position I was in. Bradley smiled and I placed my hand over his. I saw kelly stand up out of the corner of my eye.

He walked towards the back cause he was most likely going to either get a drink or sleep cause it's like four in the morning. He walked past us but he let his hand brush Bradley's as he walked by. I cleared my throat and he looked at me.

"What" he asked. I rolled my eyes and shrugged.

"Nothing" I said. He smirked and walked off. "That little bitch" I muttered. Bradley let out a snicker. "What's so funny" I asked him.

"That your so upset about him brushing against my hand." He said smiling.

"Well he obviously did it on purpose" I said. He rolled his eyes.

"What does that matter it's just a hand brush" he said.

"Yeah but he knows we're dating" I said.

"Yeah but you know he has a crush on me" he said. I raised an eyebrow but then shrugged.

"As long as he doesn't do it again" I said. Bradley smiled and gave me a light and quick kiss. I yawned and he smiled.

"Go to sleep" he said.

"You go to sleep to" I said.

"You know there are two bedrooms in the back." He said.

"But won't that look like super obvious both of us going in the same bedroom at once." I said.

"Well not if everyone's asleep" he said. He made a motion around the room with his hand and I shrugged.

"Yeah I guess your right" everyone was asleep except us so I guess we could skip in. He raised his eyes ties and I shrugged. He slowly stood up and I followed him. We slipped into the farthest room and laid down. "Ahh this feels good" I said. I was laying down with my head against Bradley.

"What me or the bed" he said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"You know what I mean" I said. I yawned and closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. I woke up around six. "Hey Brad" I said nudging him "maybe we should get up." I sat up and rubbed his eyes. He looked at the time.

"Oh yeah definitely" he said. We got up and slipped out. No one was up but Kelly. We sat back down and I leaned against Brad. "Love you" he whispered. I smiled.

"Love you to" I said.

Hey guys I know this is a REALLY short chapter but I felt I had to get something out tonight. As you've probably already read by the end of his my finger was throbbing so I don't think I could've written more anyways. Anyways sorry for the short chapter! Thank y'all for reading!! Have a great day/night!!!

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