Car Accident

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"Bradley Beal" I scoffed trying to make it like I didn't like him. I looked at him and he was staring at me. He raised an eyebrow and I felt myself crumple. "Yeah ok you got me" I said "it's Bradley."

"And you haven't told him why" he asked me.

"Thats the thing" I said "I uh I have told him and we are uh I guess you could say dating even though we haven't gone on a date yet but yeah he knows." He smiled and shook his head.

"He's got you good" he said.

"What" I said confused "what are you talking about."

"You fell hard" he said "you really like him, your in love, your love struck, head over heels, in to deep, I don't know anymore ways to put it but you get the point" he said. I rolled my eyes.

"So what did you wanna talk about" I asked him.

"Oh yeah I saw you at the club last night you seemed stressed." He said. I laughed.

"It was nothing" I said "I just went and saw my brother and we had a fight."

"Over" he asked me.

"It's nothing really" I said. He rolled his eyes.

"I know you better than that John" he said "you don't drink unless the team makes you go or we just won. Or if something's wrong." He added.

"He just said something I didn't like and I uh punched him and stuff then I left." I said. I tried not to make eye contact.

"What did he say" he asked me.

"He uh said that Bradley was bitch" I muttered. He smiled and nodded.

"Now I know what to do to make you agitated." I rolled my eyes and looked at my phone.

"Hey sorry bro but I've got to go" i said. He shrugged.

"Don't forget practice at nine tonight." He said. I nodded and walked out. I got in my car and drove back to Brads house.

"Hey I'm back" I said when I walked in.

"You weren't gone that long" Bradley said as he walked down the steps. I shrugged.

"I'm gonna go home real quick and get some stuff for practice but then I'll be back." I said.

"You don't have to come back" he said.

"I know" I said "but don't you like it when I'm here."

"Well yeah but if you want some alone time I'll let you have some cause I know you need it sometimes, you now to distress." I smiled.

"See you at practice." I said smiling.

"See ya" he said. I walked out but then walked back in.

"Love you" I said. He smiled.

"Love you to" he said. I walked out and got back in my car. I was on the highway exiting off when the car in front of my got side slammed by the car beside it. The car kept driving but the car in front of me pulled over and stopped. I'll see if there ok I thought. I pulled over to and got out. I walked over to the car and saw a lady sitting in the car. I knocked on the window and she rolled it down.

"Are you ok" I asked her. She looked at me shocked then she smiled.

"Yes I'm fine thank you for checking." I smiled at her.

"No problem just wanted to make sure you were ok." I looked in the back and saw a kid in a car seat. "And the kiddos ok right" I asked her. She looked back and then she looked back at me and nodded.

"Yes he's fine" she said. The kid waved at me and I smiled and waved back. She smiled and rolled down the window so he could talk to me.

"Hewo" he said. I smiled at his way of trying to say hello.

"Hey little dude" I said kneeling down so I was more at his level. "What's your name" I asked him.

"Paul" he said and I smiled.

"Great name" I said "I have a friend who's named Paul."

"Rewy" he said. I smiled and nodded.

"Yep and he's super nice" I said "I bet your super nice like him" I said. He nodded and I smiled. "Well I've got to go to my job" I said. I made a pouting face and he laughed.

"What is your job" the lady asked.

"Oh I play basketball" I said. Her eyes got huge.

"Your John Wall!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah" I laughed "I am."

"I'm coming to your game tomorrow" she said. I smiled and nodded.

"Make a sign and Ill see you and I'll come talk to you."

"Oh I've got front row tickets" she said.

"Oh well ok guess I won't have to look hard for you." She smiled and shook her head. I went and kneeled back down my Paul's window. "You take care of your mommy ok" I said to him. He smiled and nodded. "Ok well I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow" I said after standing up.

"See you then" she said. I went to walk away but she stopped me. "Thank you john" she said. I shrugged and nodded.

"No problem." I turned around and saw a TNT truck on the other side of the highway. Shit I muttered. I got in my car and drive off. I picked up my phone and saw I had five missed calls and ten missed texts from Bradley. I pressed his contact but it went straight I voicemail. I sighed and tried again. Same thing. I looked myself up and saw that it was all over the news that I was with some girl.

"Great just great" I said out loud. I pulled into my driveway and got out. I grabbed the bag I already had packed and drove back over to Bradleys house. I pressed the doorbell and he answered.

"You can just walk in" he said. He didn't crack a smile or anything he just had a blank face.

"It's not what you think" I said before he could say anything else."

"What about you and some girl on the side of the rode I know you were just helping her out." He said.

"Then why did you call me so many times" I asked him.

"You noticed" he spat.

"Well yeah I always look to see if you've tried to get hold of me." He rolled his eyes.

"I'm not playing in tomorrow's game I'm flying out to St Louise to see my grandma." He said.

"Is she ok" I asked slowly.

"If you would've answered your phone the first five times I called you you would know that she was in the hospital." I bit my lip.

"I'm uh sorry" I said. He sighed and ran his hand over his face and through his hair.

"No I'm sorry" he said after a while "I shouldn't have snapped like that."

"Its fine" I said. He looked and saw my car parked in his driveway.

"You went and got your clothes right" he asked.

"Yeah" I said. I looked down at my phone and saw we were gonna be late. "We should get going" I said. He nodded and grabbed his bag that was beside the door and we left.

Hey guys I made a new chapter. Someone told me that if I keep making new chapters I will get more reads so I'm gonna try to upload one long and one short chapter a day. Thank y'all for reading! Have a great day/night!!!

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