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I was sitting on my couch when the door opened. I looked up to see Bradley and I felt a smile grow on my face. I stood up to great him.

"Hey" I said.

"I missed you" he said. I smiled and gave him a light kiss.

"Have you been home yet" I asked him.

"Oh no I thought I'd come see you first" he said and I smiled. I looked at his car out the window and saw he had it running.

"Your not staying" I asked him.

"Oh no I thought I'd come bye real quick then drop my stuff if real quick and come back." He said. He looked at me and I smiled.

"Yeah that's fine I mean you can do whatever you want." He smiled and laughed.

"You just had to add in the do what ever you what part" he smiled and chuckled.

"Well I mean I have to be dramatic right" I said.

"Well obviously" he said. He sighed and looked out the window. "I guess I should get going" he said "I'll be back though."

"Yeah ok see ya later" I said. He smiled and I kissed him before he left.

It had been three hours since he left and I was starting to get worried. I mean it shouldn't take him three hours to drop stuff off. Finally I heard my door open. I looked up and saw Bradley with tears streamed down his face. He leaned against the door and slid down it. He whispered something but I couldn't hear what he said.

"Baby" I said softly. I walked over to him and sat beside him. "What wrong" I asked him.

"I..I...I..I just fucked Kelly" he stuttered.

"Wait what" I said shocked. I also wanted to and sure what I was hearing was correct. He nodded and I bit my lip. "Why" I asked him.

"I don't know" he said.

"You don't know" I snapped "how can you have sex with someone and not know why you did. I mean did you know why you had sex with me the first time."

"Well that's cause I love you John" he said.

"Yeah well do you also love Kelly" I asked him.

"What no" he said.

"Then why did you have sex" I asked him.

"I don't know John" he said.

"Yes you'd o fucking know" I snapped.

"No I don't" he snapped back.

"Yes you do" I yelled. We both went quiet. That's was one of the things I had promised him a while back, that I would never yell at him. But here we were breaking rule after rule and promise after promise. I sighed and sat down on the steps so I could look at him.

"I'm sorry" I said.

"You said you'd never yell at me" he said.

"Yeah but you promised you'd never cheat on me" I said. He looked away and I sighed.

"Yeah but your the one who yelled" he said.

"And your the one who cheated I mean if you think yelling is worse than cheering then you need help or something cause cheating is way worse."

"I know that John" he groaned "I'm just saying we are equal we both made a mistake."

"No Bradley we are not equal" I said "you cheated."

"Oh my god stop using he word cheated" he yelled.

"See there you go" I said "yelling at me now what if I got all defensive and I was like oh you yelled at me to." I said in a winey kids voice.

"God kin why am I even with you your so annoying."' He said.

"Yeah that's a good question" I said "cause I don't know why I'm dating you either."

"Then why don't you just leave me" he said.  We both went silent and looked at each other. Ours eyes locked and I sighed.

"Cause I love you Bradley" I said. He shook his head.

"One minuet you go from hating to loving me" he said "I just don't get you John" he said. I rolled my eyes at his statement.

"I never hated you" I said "I was just really frustrated" I said.

"Yeah well that doesn't mean you should have yelled."

"Oh my god Bradley there you go again with the whole yelling thing I mean you fucking had sex with someone other than me you kissed someone other than me that is considered cheating and your concerned about me yelled. You should really be concerned about your actions and how you act and how to control yourself." I snapped.

"I'm sorry" he said "but it just happened. He walked in we talked he kissed me and I was like wow he is a good kisser. I knew I shouldn't have been kissing him anyways and it all went from there."

"Wow you knew you shouldn't be kissing him and you didn't stop" I said sarcastically "and was he a better kisser than me? I mean I bet he was he goes around kissing all those girls do boys so I mean he has had a lot more practice than me and I bet his lips are so much softer and plump. And I bet you two are perfect together" I yelled softly.

"No John" Bradley said "only me and you are perfect together."

"Then why didn't you think for hat while you were kissing him" I asked him.

"I don't know but all I know is that I was wrong and I l shouldn't have  done what I did."

"Wow now you just sound like a third graver but yeah ok I forgive you" I said.

"Really" he said shocked.

"Yeah really" I said.

"Oh thank you John" he said he stood up and kissed me and I smiled against his lips.

"Look what if we went back to normal" I said "like forget all about this and just go back to life how it was before you left two weeks ago."

"Yeah" he said "yeah that's a good idea."

"I can't believe I just forgave you that fast" I said. "The things you'll do for Love." He smiled and I rolled my eyes. "I love you Bradley" I said.

Hey guys!! Sorry for the late update! I know this probably isn't what you wanted the chapter to be like but this definitely leads up to the next couple chapters so... agains sorry for the late update but at least I got it out tonight like I said I would!! Thanks for reading! Have a great day/night!!!

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