True love?

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"Hey coach" I said walking into practice. He nodded at me as I walked by. I walked into the gym and threw my stuff on the bleachers they had set out. "Hey pass me a ball" I told Otto. He threw me one and I shot it and it went in. "I'm gonna do good today" I said. Otto rolled his eyes and cracked a smile.

"What's so funny" I asked. I went to take a step back but I stumbled over someone. I felt myself fall backwards but I got caught by who ever was behind me. I looked at his arms and I knew it was Bradley. I felt a smile form on my face and Otto smirked. I finally stood up and turned around. "Sorry I didn't know you were back there" I said.

"Well obviously" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Hey john have you told your friend that you liked them yet" gortat said walking into practice.

"Oh uh no not yet." I said. Otto shot me a look and Kelly looked at me like I was crazy. They were the only two that knew about us so I understand why they think I'm crazy.

"Aww come on dude obviously they like you back like who doesn't like John Wall." I rolled my eyes and shrugged.

"You know after what happened last time and all." I said.

"Ohh are we talking about Johns crush." Markief said as he walked in.

"How many people did you tell" I whispered to Kelly.

"Not all of them just like gortat then I guess he told everyone else." I rolled my eyes.

"Hey guys I'm sorry I have important family business I have to attend so practice is canceled."

"Ok" we all said. He left and we all kind of shot around for a while.

"So" Markief said "you should bring whoever this best friend is with you to our team dinner tonight."

"No that would be weird" I said "all of us and then just them"

"I'll bring my girl" gortat said.

"I think they have plans tonight anyways" I said.

"How do you know." Kelly asked me going along with it.

"We've talked today and they said something about it." He nodded and looked at Bradley.

"You know what" Markeif said. We all looked at him. "Were all worried about John when we should be trying to get Bradley into a relationship." He said.

"Oh no it's fine" Bradley said i uh don't need anyone right now"

"Aww come one dude we all know you haven't kissed someone in the past two months." Otto said trying to nag him. I bit my lip cause actually the last time he kissed someone was about an hour ago in the car.

"That's fine" he said "I don't wanna be pushed into a relationship I just wanna you know find the one" he said.

"Aww Bradley believes in true love" Kelly said. Bradley rolled his eyes and shrugged.

"You can think what you want but I've gotta get out of here." He said grabbing his bag. Everyone kind of spread out and I walked over to him.

"So am I the one" I asked him. He smiled and shook his head.

"Your my one and only" he said. I smiled at him and his eyes twinkled.

"Wanna get out of here" I asked him.

"Yeah" he said. I smiled and I grabbed his arm and pulled him out of he building. He looked down at his phone and sighed. "Hey I'm really sorry but I have to go my plane takes off in an hour and I still haven't packed."

"Oh no it's fine" I said, lying hoping he wouldn't notice. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow and I shrugged. He kissed me quickly and he walked to his car. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and I answered it. "Hello" I said into the phone.

"Hey" I heard Devin mutter.

"What do you want" I groaned.

"I uh I had to many drinks and I kind of threatened the bartender and he called the cops and now I'm in jail at a pay phone calling you."

"Ok so what it's just like three days."

"Five" he said correcting me.

"Ok so what's so bad about that." I asked him.

"Can you just come bail me out" he asked me.

"How much is it" I groaned.

"65,000" he said.

"I'll be there in twenty" I grumbled. I got in my car and drove over to the bank and got the money and drove to the prison. I explained everything and they let him go after I payed them.

"Why would you do that" I grumbled when we got in the car. "Do you know how that's gonna look it's gonna be all over the news I can see it now all the headlines 'John wall goes and bails a convict out of jail."

"Ok well I'm not a convict" he said. I rolled my eyes and shrugged.

"Doesn't matter" I said "it's just not gonna sit well with some people."

"Like who" he said. He paused for a second before looking at me and smirking "Bradley" he said finishing his sentence.

"God I just paid a crazy amount of money to get you out of jail and the first thing you do is try to get on my nerves." I sighed "where your hotel" I asked him.

"It's the one by the stadium" he said.

"Not to far off" I grumbled. For some reason I had a feeling this would be a long car ride.

Hey guys I am soooooo sorry! I haven't updated in like forever and I feel really bad but I have been super busy with school and my home life. I hope I will be back for a while and I don't get distracted by anything for a while. Thank you guys for sticking with me and waiting for an update. Love y'all thanks for reading! Had a great day/night!!!

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