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"Guess I gotta explain" I mumbled.

"What" he said "I thought you told me everything." I shrugged.

"You don't know it all" I said.

"Ok well what do I not know" he asked me.

"Well you know how me met" I said "and you know all of that stuff." He nodded. "But when I got drafted and she cheated on me a broke up I thought I was over I thought we were done with little did I know I was wrong" I scoffed. "So I was at practice one day you were on the team at this point that one time when that person came in and needed to talk to me." He nodded.

"Yeah I remember that" he said.

"Well she had been in a car accident then to" I said "and while she was in the hospital she requested that I came to see her." He nodded. "So I was like oh ok no big deal I'll just fly out to New York really quick I can be in and out in a day. Well then they told me she had a kid in the car with her and the kid was in the ICU so I decided I was gonna get the kid something and pay for his medical bills cause you know I wouldn't want a kid to die." I paused and sighed and looked down. "So I flew out to New York and on my way to the hospital I ran into target and grabbed him a little teddy bear like you know as a get well present."

"Yeah" Bradley said.

"So I uh went to the hospital and I went to Brianna's room and she was all freaked out and crying and I was like what's happening and she was like you have to go to room 362 right now. So I went to room 362 like she told me. I knocked on the door before I went in and I nurse answered the door. She told me I wasn't allowed to come in but I said that Brianna had given me permission to come in. She was like oh yeah since he mother told you you could come in you can. And to say I was shocked was an understatement I was like blown away that she had a kid. So I kind of pushed that aside and I was gonna ask her about it later." I bit my lip and felt my eyes fill with tears. "But I never did" I said softly. I turned around and walked to the window and tried to compose myself. I looked out and saw couple after couple passing by holding there kids hand. "When I walked past the nurse" I said while still looking out the window "I saw a four year old boy laying in the bed. I walked over to him and sat down beside him and he looked over at me. He was so weak Bradley at that moment I knew that he wasn't gonna make it and she was gonna try to get back with me to make herself feel better." I sighed and sat down in the chair that was by the window but I immediately stood back up. "When he looked at me his eyes looked so familiar." I whispered "like I had seen them before." I walked away from the window and I walked around for a little bit cause I didn't know what to do with myself. "I'm sorry" I said finally looking at Bradley.

"What no it's fine" he said. He sat down at the end of the bed and I bit my lip.

"His eyes" I whispered "there what gave it away. They were a dark but light brown if that makes sense and they had that sparkle. I didn't know where I had seen them till a little while later. But when he looked at me I was like hey little dude and he started to cry and I was like oh ok why's he crying cause you know I'm good with kids but once they start crying I don't know what to do." He laughed slightly "finally after I got him to stop crying he started to talk. He talked all about his life and what he had been doing and how he had always wanted to meet me." I wish he'd "I ended up missing that whole week because of him" I whispered "we got so close in just a week. But one day I came in and he was laying there like always cause you know you don't do much in a hospital but lay there and when I walked in he was like daddy you came to see me." I looked up at the ceiling and moved by foot back and forth "I thought it was cute" I said "you know like I was a father figure to him and that he liked me so much he'd call me that in only a week. So I went and sat beside him. I still remember it like it was yesterday Bradley I remember where everything was in the room what time it was how bright the sun was shining through the window I remember what nurse was supposed to be in the room in a few minuets. I was sitting there and he was holding the bear I got him and we were talking and he looked at me and was like I love you and I was like I love you to little guy" I heard my voice crack and I knew Brad did to. "Then he was like I want to grow up to be just like you and I was like aww that's so sweet I bet you will grow up to be like me. Then he looked out the window and looked at me and said even though you were never around I still missed you everyday and even though I did know you till a couple days ago I know you'll be a great dad. And I was like oh ok well that's something coming from a four maybe five year old. So I was like thanks i guess. I remember looking at him and sighing. I whispered to him that I loved him and he looked at me and smiled then he closed his eyes and took one deep breath in and I heard the heart monitor go off. I remember jumping up out of my chair and running down the hall to the main doctors office. You weren't allowed to go in there unless he called you but I could've cared less at the moment and I barged through the door but he wasn't in there" I turned around in a circled and laughed slightly "man I didn't know I would be this emotional" I said. "But uh he wasn't there so I ran to the front desk and they were like I'm sorry Mr. Wall there's nothing we can do so I ran back into the room and I remember sitting down beside him and talking hoping that he would say something back, but he never did" my voice trailed off and I cleared my throat "after sitting there for a good thirty minuets trying to convince myself he was ok I finally ate up and I walked into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and it all hit me. I had been so busy that passed week I hadn't really looked at myself but I was already crying so y eyes you know were wet I queasy you could say but I looked at myself in the mirror and you know how when you look at yourself the first hung you do is look at some part of your face. Well obviously when your crying it's gonna be your eyes right" I said and I smiled slightly "my eyes" I whispered "they were a dark but light shade of brown" I said "if that makes any sense. And since I was crying they had that sparkle the one that looked just like how his did. And then it hit me Bradley, he was my kid he was my son." My voice trailed off "two weeks later when I said I was going to see my mom I was really going to his funeral. They buried him with the bear I had given him and damn I didn't know it was hard to tell someone goodbye till then cause I couldn't get myself to walk away. Even after they had buried him I still stood there and sat there for hours cause I didn't wanna leave I didn't wanna leave him Bradley cause i had let him down I didn't even know he existed until three weeks before that and he knew I existed all that time but he knew he was never gonna see me. While we were at the funeral she sat with her boyfriend obviously but she acted like I didn't even exist I mean that was our kid that had just died and she didn't even really care all she cared about was making a big sene in front of her boyfriend. So we haven't really talked since then" I said "I mean I guess that enough to hold a grudge against someone right." He just looked at me and nodded slowly. I sighed and sat down beside him. "Every night before I go to bed I think about one of the conversations we had one per day if the week and then blow a kiss up to heaven."

"Oh John" he said softly. I leaned against him and he fell over.

"Why'd you fall" I said smiling once I sat up.

"Cause I didn't know you were gonna lean on me" he said and I laughed.

"I love you" I said while laughing.

"I love you more" he said and I smiled.

Hey guys sorry for the long wait but my cousin was over this weekend and I really had no time to update so.... anyways thank y'all for reading!! Have a great day/night!!!

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