Im stuck (A.N)

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Hey guys sorry if you thought this was a new update. I'm really stuck in the story and I don't know where to go with it. I really need someone to comment what trey think should happen or like give an example or and idea. Just something, anything!!! I'm really stuck and if some one doesn't comment in the next couple days or if I don't think of anything in a couple days I'm probably gonna our this story on hold and start a new story then when I come up with something I'll start updating this one again. It might take me a while to think of something though cause I also write stories off of Wattpad and I don't like using those stories plots and stuff in my Wattpad stories so that makes it hard cause I have at least 30 different stories I've written or am writing. Anyways brought about that, I really need someone to comment and help me out here cause I'm really stuck!!! Thanks for putting up with my ranting! Thanks for reading!! Have a great day/night!!!

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