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"What I thought you didn't know her" he said.

"I never said I didn't know her I just said she knows me." I stated simply.

"Yeah well maybe you could've told me you were hanging out with some girl." He snapped.

"I was 'hanging' out with her five years ago Bradley when I was in college and my first couple years when you weren't in the team." I said.

"Yeah ok but what does 'hanging' mean" he said trying to impersonate me. I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"It means dating you dummy" I said and I laughed and turned around so I was looking at him. "But before you say it your the only person I'll ever date." I said. He smiled and I totally would've kissed him but there was most likely people taking pictures of us like this and I was gonna have to come up with some excuse for those and I didn't wanna have to somehow come up with an excuse for us kissing.

"What are you thinking about" he asked me.

"You" I said and he smiled.

"What about me" he asked.

"How I would totally kiss you right now." I said. He smiled and smirked.

"Then why don't you" he said.

"But what about..." I was interrupted by his lips against mine.

"Who cares about what they say" he muttered against my lips. I smiled and kissed him back. I pulled away after a while cause I knew we were making a scene.

"I love you" I muttered.

"I love you to" he said. I turned around and saw only a couple people looking at us. A police officer walked up to us and started to question us.

"Hello officer" I said when he walked up.

"Chief Moore" he said and he pulled out his badge "head of the LA police department." I nodded. " now is it ok if I ask you two a few question?" He asked us.

"Oh yeah ask as many as you want" Bradley said. He looked at me and I shrugged.

"I don't care you can throw anything at me." He nodded and wrote something down on his note pad.

"Ok" he said "tell me your names."

"John Wall" I said. He nodded.

"And Bradley Beal."

"I know who you are" he said smiling "I just have to do that as routine." I smiled and nodded.

"Ok Mr. Wall where were you at 10:32 this evening." He asked me.

"I'm what time is it now" I asked him.

"12:59" he said. I nodded.

"Um I'm pretty sure I was either in the elevator on my way up to our room or I was in our room."

"And who's in your room with you" he asked.

"Oh Bradley" I said leaning against him. He nodded.

"Should've known" he said and I laughed.

"Ok so what cause you to come down." He said.

"Well we were uh sitting on the bed kissing" I said "and we heard a crash I got up and look out the window and I was just like come on Bradley we have to go help them." He nodded and wrote something else down.

"Ok and why did you pick that car" he said. I looked down cause I felt my face go red.

"I uh well I didn't think I was gonna have to confess this" I said laughing "but I you know didn't want Bradley to have to deal with maybe watching someone die or finding someone dead so I sent him to the car that I knew the people were less hurt in." He cracked a smiled and wrote what I had said down.

"Ok last question" he said "do you know her" he said nodding towards the car that was by now flipped over.

"Yes" I said "we dated in college her name is Breanna Washington." He nodded and wrote that down.

"Hate to do this to ya John but since you know her we've gotta take you down to the station for questioning."

"Wait" I said "before you do that I have something to show you." He nodded and I pulled out my phone and played the recording. He nodded and looked at me.

"Well might as well not even bring you but I wanna know some things about her so I'm gonna ask you to come anyways." I nodded.

"Go back to the room I'll be back in a bit" I whispered to Bradley. He nodded and I handed him the room key. He walked off and I watched him till I couldn't see him anymore.

"Ok John" he said "follow me." He brought me to his car but he let me sit in the front seat. We pulled into the police department and he brought me to his office. "Coffee" he asked me when we walked in.

"Naw is fine" I said.

"Ok so tell me a little but about this Breanna Washington."

"Well she was the leader of the varsity cheerleaders at Kentucky" I said "to be honest she was a total brat at first she was mean to everyone she didn't like being around people guys who weren't hot and girls who weren't cute." He nodded and cocked his head. "I don't even know why I dated her but something about her just caught my eye and we started to date" I said "slowly though she started to change I like to think it was me who made her change but she probably just realized what a di.. brat she was being and quit" he laughed at my attempt to cover up what I was about to call her. "So we dated then I got drafted and we were gonna make the log distance work but then she cheated on me with oh what was his name oh Will Evans but she lied and said she wasn't dating anyone behind my back. Well obviously I found out and we broke up and I haven't seen her since till earlier today."

"Oh really" he said "what happened then."

"So we had just got back from the restaurant cause some waitress put something in my drink."

"Wait woah woah woah hold up someone put something in your drink." He said shocked.

"Oh yeah Gracie she was our waitress she put something in my drink I guess to make me pass out or something but I didn't drink enough to pass out" I said "but anyways back to Breanna I was going down to the first floor cause we had left the key at the restaurant and she just got on the elevator and I was like woah is that Breanna so I asked and she was like yeah and she was like your John and I was like. Then she tried to come up with some apology and I told her no then she started to follow me and I tried to get her to leave and she wouldn't so finally when she followed me up to my room I told her she was ugly and that made her stop and I stormed off into our room." He nodded.

"Ok well I guess I can let you go now" he said.

"Ok yeah but are you gonna keep my phone."

"Yep" he said.

"Well can I call Brad to come pick me up" I asked him.

"Well yeah I don't want you walking back." I laughed and I called him.

"Hey John" he said. I felt my face tilt into a smile.

"Hey is he's gonna take my phone but can you come pick me up at the police department" I asked him.

"Oh yeah of course I'll be there in a little bit." He said.

"Ok love ya." I said.

"Love you to" he said laughing. I hung up and he just laughed and shook his head.

"You looked just like and sounded like a teenager who was dating there crush." I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Oh and the passwords 62893." I said.

"Thats Bradley's birthday" he said.

"Yeah" I said slowly "you sure do know a lot about us."

"Oh no not really" he said "Florida's my college and he Wizards are my favorite team."

"Oh that's cool" I said. I glanced at the clock on the wall. "Well I better get going Beads gonna be here soon" I said. He nodded and I walked out.

Hey guys!!! I'm out of ideas after this one so if you could please comment your ideas that would be awesome!! Anyways thank y'all for reading!! Have a great day/night!!!

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