Never again

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We had just leaned and we were all getting off the plane when the pilot asked me if I would stay back cause he wanted to talk to me. I glanced at Bradley and he shrugged so I nodded. I watched everyone walk off and I leaned against a wall.

"So what did you wanna talk about." I asked him.

"So" he said slowly "this is gonna sound weird but I was uh at the bar when Bradley and Kelly hooked up." He said. I raised my eyebrows and cocked my head sideways.

"Why" I asked him. He laughed.

"I had just got a promotion and me and a few friends went there to hang out and talk." He said "and I was the last one to leave so yeah."

"Ok well what happened." I asked him.

"So uh obviously Kelly was there first cause Kelly just does that type of stuff you know just go to every bar in town kind of thing" he said and I nodded. "And so he was there and already pretty drunk when Bradley came in. He asked if he had already gone and seen you and he said yeah and then Kelly muttered something that I didn't hear. Bradley sat down and they started to talk. They were laughing over something and Kelly put his hand on Bradleys leg." I bit my lip and nodded. Man I was gonna explode next time I saw him.

"And so he kept it there fir a while and obviously Brad was a little drunk so he didn't notice it at first but then Kelly moved it higher up and he notice. He moved his leg so that Kelly hand would fall off. The bar that there were at has spinning chairs so Bradley spun away from him and went to get up but Kelly spun it back and after they mumbled somethings they just started talking again like nothing had happened." He said.

"Ok we'll get to the point" I said.

"I know john I am" he said. "So as I was saying after a few more drinks Kelly was totally out of it but he totally knew what he was doing if you get what I'm saying. So he put his hand back on Bradleys leg and started to do the whole trace circles thing. Bradley kind of squirmed in his seat but Kelly said something I didn't catch and Bradley just nodded. Then he slowly moved moved his hand up and it all just kind of went from there."

"Well uh did Bradley seem like he wanted to do it" I asked him.

"When they left no but anyone can change there mind in a matter of minuets."

"Not Bradley" I muttered I can't even get him to change his mind in a matter of years. "Ok well thanks" I said. I walked off and met Bradley who was waiting for me.

"What was that about" he asked me.

"Oh nothing he just told me how he got a promotion and he wouldn't be there without me." I said.

"Oh that's nice" he said.

"Yeah" I said "it was." We went and got in the rental car and drove to our hotel. When we walked in Otto walked up to us.

"So I forgot about one of our new rookies when I counted for coach and we under booked so I put you and Brad together in the captains suite is that ok?" He asked us.

"Oh yeah that's fine" I said.

"Ok well thanks for you know putting up with my mistake." He said.

"No really it's fine" I said. He just shrugged and we walked off. We got on the elevator and I leaned my head on his shoulder. He smiled and kissed me. I kissed him back and smiled against his lips. We got interrupted by the ding of the elevator. We walked off and walked to our room.

"So which bed" Bradley asked me.

"Well obviously the biggest" I said.

"But what if the other ones more comfortable." He said trying to make himself sound smart.

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