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I went up to his room and I laid down. I felt bad for brushing past him like that but I just don't feel like talking right now. I heard a knock on the door and Bradley walked in.

"I'm sorry" I said. He came and sat down beside me.

"What happened over there" he asked.

"Its fine" I said "nothing bad he just gets on my nerves."

"How" he asked "how does he get on your nerves."

"I don't know" I shrugged "he just does he like tries to play the big brother roll and stuff and he called me stupid and he wanted to know why I was late and he called..." I let my voice trail off and I didn't finish what I was gonna say.

"And he called" Bradley asked me. I was hoping he would notice that.

"It's nothing" I said. He raised and eyebrow and I rolled my eyes. "He called you a bitch and then we had a fight and I punched him and left."

"You shouldn't have punched him" he said.

"Yeah but he called you a bitch."

"So I don't care what he calls me."

"Well I do." He went silent for a little bit and just looked at me. I sat up and looked at him. "I don't like it when people say bad things about you." I said. He smiled and kissed me. I smiled against he lips but I pulled away. He looked at me confused. "I'm drunk" I muttered "and I don't wanna do something stupid."

"You aren't acting drunk" he said. I shook my head.

"No but I feel it" I said.

"You should go to bed" he said and I nodded. I laid back down and he went into his closet and changed clothes and he grabbed me a pair of clothes that I had left here. He threw them to me and I slipped my shirt and pants off and I slipped on the pants he threw me. I laid back down and he came and laid beside me. "Love you" he muttered. I smiled and looked at him.

"I love you to" I said. He smiled and I wrapped my arms around him and he laid his head on my shoulder. I felt him smiled and I smiled. I closed my eyes and drifted off.

I woke up and I squinted my eyes because of the light coming from the window. I sat up and my head started to pound. I groaned and walked into his bathroom and dug through his drawers to find Advil. I finally opened the drawer that had some in it and I took six.

"Your finally up" I heard Bradley say from behind me. I turned around and nodded.

"Yeah and I've got a pounding head ache." He chuckled and I short him a look.

"I'm sorry for laughing" he said. He walked up to me and put his arms around my waist and kissed me. I smiled against his lips and I kissed him back. "Otto wants to see you today" he said. I sighed and nodded. I went to take a step back but his hands were still around me.

"Brad let me go" I said. He smiled and he slowly pulled his hands away.

"Otto wants to see you, you should go." He said.

"Ok" I said. I grabbed one of my shirts out of the closet and put it on then I went and got in the car. I drove over to his house and knocked on his door.

"Hey bro" he said when I answered. I nodded and walked in. "Your so hung over" he said.

"How can you tell." I asked him. He shrugged and we went and sat at his table.

"I was trying to call you last night" he said "but you wouldn't answer."

"Oh yeah sorry bout that I was at someone's house." He nodded and looked at me.

"Do you really have a crush on someone" he asked me.

"We'll sort of I guess" I said.

"Are they really your best friend" he said.

"Well yeah ish" I said.

"They know you like them right." He asked. I it my lip not knowing what to say. Weather to say that they do and me and Bradley risk getting caught or saying no and them not notice us.

"No not really I mean I've dropped a few hints but no they don't know."

"Come on dude you should totally tell them."

"I know I should but I can't get over the fact that I had liked them as just a friend once and now I think I love them." I said lying. I hated the fact that I couldn't tell him about Bradley cause me and Otto are really close and I could totally go on and on about Brad but since we don't want anyone to know I can't tell him.

"Who is it" he asked. The dreaded question.

"Uh I um don't really you know uh want to say" I said. He smirked.

"I've got a feeling who this person is" he said.

"Really" I said trying to play dumb.

"Yes and you know sure as hell I know who it is your just trying to pretend you don't." I laughed and shook my head.

"You wish you knew" I said.

"Really then who is it" he asked.

"Dude I just told you I'm not saying."

"Your not saying what" he asked me.

"I'm not saying who it is." I said.

"You just don't wanna admit it is Bradley."

Hey guys sorry for the short chapter. I, trying to post one a day and a lot of stuff has been going on today. But anyways on to a new subject. Who else besides me is sooooooooooooo happy that DWade resigned!!!! Like I was literally shaking with happiness when I found out. Anyways thank y'all for reading and have a great day/night!!!

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