I love you

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"Oh my gosh" she exclaimed "you have to tell him!" She had way too much excitement in her vice and that kind of made me doubt myself, like if this was actually gonna work or if she just wanted it to.

"No" I whined "I don't want to." I thought back to when I told Gabby I loved her, she said she did too but look we're that got us. I mean I havens
Ike to her in who knows how long and I don't want that to happen to me and Bradley. Even if it means we are friends,and only friends.

"Oh my god john this is so like you, passing up on things that are meant to be." She said sighing. "You always do that. Like when you were robbing cars and stealing when you could've been studying or playing basketball, you could've gotten out of that situation quicker but you didn't cause you passed up on all the opportunities you had. That's just what you are doing here, passing on something that will help you and be good for you."

"Well thanks for that" I said bluntly.

"Please tell him" she said. I pictured her in my mind and I knew she would be sitting in her big blue chair right now, tapping her finger with an impatient look on her face.

"Ok fine" I sighed.

"Oh will you go do it now." She said squealed.

"That's the thing, I'm kind of siting in his driveway." I said awkwardly.

"What!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah we were talking and some stuff happened and I walked out and I called you and haven't moved." I said.

"Oh it'll be so romantic" she said "if you go in and tell him your sorry and that you love him." I rolled my eyes at her comment.

"I'm not going for romantic" I said "I'm not a romantic guy."

"I know but it will still be cute." She said. She sounded like a love struck teenager and I hoped I never heard my mom sound that way again.

"Ok fine I have to go" I said. She hung up immediately and I laughed. She really wants us to get together. I took a deep breath in and got out of the car. I shut the door and walked up to his and knocked.

"Hey" I said when he answered. He smiled at me and I felt my stomach drop.

"Hey john" he said. I looked at him and I finally saw it. The look in his eyes, the I love you look, damn he has nice eyes I thought.

"So, uh, the thing is I really don't know how to go about this, so uh I guess I'll just tell you that uh, I love you." I said slowly and unsurely. He smiled and laughed.

"Mmm I love you to cutie." He said. I rolled my eyes and hit his shoulder. "You wanna come in?" He asked.

"Oh yeah sure" I said. He stepped aside and I walked it. I looked around and took in the familiar place. The living room was right in front of me so that where I went. I stood but the coffee table and watched him as he followed me.

"I know you called your mom" he said. I bit my lip and shrugged. "Glad she told you what to do." I rolled my eyes and he smiled. God I loved to see him smile, the way his whole face lights up, and how his eyes sparkle, it send chills down my spine just thinking about it.

"How long have you loved me?" I asked him suddenly to see if Mom was right.

"Long time" he said answering with a straight face. He shrugged and looked at me. "If you wanna know the exact number I done know but I would say about two three years."

"She was right" I said. He gave me a confused look. "My Mom said it killed her to watch our games cause she could tell you loved me by the look on your face and how you acted but I never noticed." He shrugged and laughed.

"It all worked out" he said. I smiled at his comment.

"Can I uh do something I've wanted to do for a long time?" I asked him. He smiled.

"Yeah...." I cut him off and kissed him. Our lips moved in sync as we kissed like we had been kissing each other our whole lives. He smiled and stepped back. I looked at the ground and swung my foot around. "Do you wanna keep us a secret" he asked.

"Oh uh yeah for a while" I said. He nodded and looked at me.

"Yeah but at some point we'll have to tell everyone." I smiled and looked up at him. I can't believe Bradley loves me back. The man I have loved since I don't know when loves me back and I didn't know it. I smiled at the thought.

"What you thinking about" he asked me.

"Us" I said quietly.

"What about us" he said questioning me. I shrugged and looked up at him.

"Just everything" I said "like how for the past years I've loved you and didn't know you loved me back." He laughed and I felt my smile grow. His laugh was perfect, it wasn't to high or too deep, it was just perfect. Damn John I thought, you really are in love.

Hey guys sorry for the semi late update. I was meaning to post this last night but I just fell asleep. Thank you guys for reading and please comment. I've only had one person comment and I hope they keep commenting, and please tell me how I'm doing I want some constructive feedback as well. Thank you guys so much for reading, have a great day/night!!!

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