What Hurt Ankle?

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"Ladies and gentlemen please welcome your starting point guard for the Washington Wizards, John Wall." The commentator said dragging out my name like he always does. I ran through my huddle of my teammate and was treated by a smiling Bradley at the end. I heard the crowd cheering for me and I smiled, knowing that they all liked and loved me felt really great. I looked back at Bradley and he was still smiling from ear to ear. I felt the corner of my lips tug into a smile.

"What's pretty boy smiling over?" Bradley asked me while laughing. I shrugged and acted as if it was nothing.

"Ah nothing" I said "just thinking bout how I have a whole arena of people who love me." He smirked and I rolled my eyes. "People in the stands" I said sarcastically.

"Oh well of course" he said, playing along with my silly game "I mean who else besides all the fans loves you." I laughed and saw coach at the sidelines motioning for us to come over to him. I nodded my head towards coach and Bradley nodded and walked over. Coach went over the game plan and our starting walked out onto the court. We got in position for the jump ball and it got tipped to me. I slowly started to dribble up the court. Curry backed away for a second and I took the opportunity and I shot a three.

"Swish" I yelled as I saw it go in. "They gonna be in for a rough night." I yelled. I ran and got back on defense and I stole the hall from Klay and I passed it to Bradley who was running to the basket. He dunked and I smiled. We gave each other high fives before getting ready for the next play. Curry passed to Klay and he shot a three and made it.

"Guys you know I'm here" KD yelled.

"Oh they know your there" I said remarked back. He rolled his eyes and the game continued.

It  was 72 to 76 near the end of the third. I was going up for a lay up, but when I came down I didn't land on the ground I landed on someone's foot. Don't get me wrong if I went back and looked at it I would know who's foot it was but the moment was such a blur I don't even know who's foot it was. I felt my ankle twist sideways and a shooting pain stab through my ankle as I landed. I fell to the ground and grabbed my ankle and moaned in pain.

"John" I heard Bradley say breaking me out of my trance. I looked up at him and saw his eyes were filled with worry. "Are you ok" he asked.

"Yeah I'm fine" I muttered. I didn't wanna tell him I wasn't cause then I knew he would worry about me and it would throw off his game. He put his hand out in front of me and I took it and pulled myself up.

"Wall over here can't even pull himself up." Draymond said from behind Bradley "can't imagine him in bed then, cause if he can't get himself up on his own, then you've got a problem. "

"What did you just say" Bradley snapped. He spun around and I put my hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

"I said if he can't even get himself up off the floor then I can't imagine him in bed." Draymong snapped back at Bradley.

And you think it's cool to just say stuff like that about other people." Bradley said. I took my hand off his shoulder cause I thought he was calming down.

"Well if it's the truth" Draymond said smirking.

"You know what else is easy to do but is wrong unless you are in the right circumstances." He said raising an eyebrow.

"No I don't" Draymond said "and I think I would love to find out." With that Bradley lost it and lunged at him. Draymond punched at Bradley and the ref immediately blew his whistle. Bradley went to back away but Draymond punched him again and this time he made contact. I grabbed Bradley around the waist and pulled him away.

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