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"Bradley please I need to tell you something" he said. Just the Bradleys phone buzzed in his pocket and he went to take it out. "No" Kelly yelled and he took Bradleys phone from him.

"Hey dude give that back to me." Bradley said. He went to reach for his phone but Kelly backed away and put it in his pocket. "Kelly give me my phone back" Bradley said. I could tell his temper was flaring up cause of how his face changed.

"Please let me explain first" Kelly said.

"Ok what the fuck do you have to say."

"Ok so a long time ago when it was just me and john on the team and you weren't here we uh we're kind of a thing but not really like we were friends with benefits so whatever someone just sent you happened like six years ago." Bradley raised an eyebrow and looked at him.

"And" he said edging him on.

"And someone on a different found a picture of me and John kissing in a club and they sent it to me, you and john to make it look like it had just happened." He looked at Bradley and they made eye contact. "Who ever this is, they are trying to tear you two apart" he said and he motioned his hand between us.

"How do you know it's someone from the league" Bradley asked.

"Cause all the people I give my number to I give them a contact name and this is a number I don't know and the only people who have access to our phone numbers are other people in the league." Bradley nodded and looked at me. I put my hand out and Kelly gave me Bradleys phone and I unlocked it and looked at the photo. We were in the VIP section in the corner kissing. I had him pressed against the wall and he had his hands on my hips while I had one of mine on his neck and the other on his waist. I winced and handed the phone to Bradley.

He looked at it for a while then he looked at Kelly until his gaze finally rested on me. I felt myself wither away inside from the look he was giving me. He cracked a smiled and looked at him confused.

"You really thought I'd think you recently had done this" he asked. Me and Kelly both shrugged. "Well one Kelly you didn't have that tattoo in this photo and John you haven't had your hair cut like that since your third year in the league so."

"Oh well ok" Kelly said and I just shrugged. "But we should figure out who did it."

"Yeah definitely" me and Bradley both said. He smiled and shook his head.

"Ya'll are so cute" he said. I rolled my eyes and leaned on Bradley.

"I've gotta get going" I said looking at Bradley.

"Why" he asked me.

"Brothers in town and he wants me to stop by his hotel." He nodded his head slowly and looked at me.

"Which hotel" he asked.

"Don't know he supposed to send it to me but he hasn't yet."

"You better be going to only see your brother" he said. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"On my god Bradley I would never cheat on you." I said looking at him. Just then my phone buzzed and I looked at it. "See" I said showing the phone to him and it was an address sent from my brother.

"Ok well I better get going." Bradley said.

"Ok I'll get going to" Kelly said. Me and Bradley nodded at him and he walked out.

"I can drive you" I said.

"I'm fine" he said leaning against the wall "you haven't seen your brother in a year you should go see him."

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