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I was currently sitting at a bar thinking about our win when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey john come dance with us" Kelly said. I sighed and looked around. I saw half the team sitting down three of them beside me at the bar and only a few of them dancing.

"Naw I'm fine" I said. He shrugged.

"Ok whatever suits you". I sighed when he walked off. We had just beat he Lakers but all I could think about was Bradley. He was gonna come back tomorrow and I don't know what to do. I don't now if he really called us off or what.

"What's john thinking about." Kelly asked me. He slid into the seat next to me and order a drink.

"Nothing much" I said. He raised his eyebrows and leaned on his hand so he was facing me.

"Doesn't look like nothing" he said "you've been over here with the same worried look on your face for thirty minuets."

"Really dude I'm fine." I said.

"Ok what ever" he said. They brought him his drink and he took a sip out of it. "Whens Brad coming back" he asked. I bit my lip.

"Oh uh tomorrow." I said. He smirked.

"Your worried about Bradley" he said.

"What no" I said "why did you think that."

"One cause of how your face changed. Two cause of the way you said it, and three cause you were quick to answer." He said. He shrugged after as if to prove his point. "What's he done that's made you so sad."

"I'm not sad" I said "I'm just thinking."

"Yeah about Bradley." I nodded and I looked at him.

"Can I uh tell you something." I asked him.

"Yeah you can tell me anything" he said.

"We uh we are if we're well I don't really know if we are or not but we were together I mean we are together but we uh got in a fight last Friday and we uh haven't talked since and he was just so mad and I don't know what to do tomorrow when he comes back." He nodded and bit his lip.

"Just act normal" he said "that's what made him want you is that you always acted like yourself and didn't care what people said so just be you and he'll realize he still needs you." I shrugged.

"Yeah I guess." I took a sip out of my drink and grimaced at how strong it suddenly was. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and I pulled it out. Bradley had texted me. "Hey I'll be back" I said. I stood up and walked outside. Well I stopped to tell the people at the front I'd be back.

I sat down on one of the cold park benches and watched the little snowflakes slowly fall from the sky. I finally got the nerve to call him.

"Hey John" he said. He sounded fine.

"Hey Brad" I said. "Why did you wanna talk." I asked him.

"I wanted to say sorry for Friday night" he said. "I really lost my cool and I don't know" he said "just so much stuff was happening at once I didn't know how to handle it." I let out the sigh that I felt I had been holding in all week.

"Its fine" I said.

"No it's not John" he said "I shouldn't have got mad."

"No I was the one who got mad" I said.

"Well I kept the argument going." He said. I just laughed and smiled.

"I'm just glad your not mad at me" I said "I've been sitting at the bar with Otto trying to figure out what I was gonna do tomorrow."

"The whole team there" he asked me.

"All except for you" I said.

"Well obviously" he said. If he was standing in front of me he would've said that then smiled and rolled his eyes. I smiled and shook my head.

"I love you but I e got to go I don't wanna get locked out" I said.

"Oh yeah" he laughed."cause John doesn't want to get locked out of a bar." I laughed and he laughed.

"Ok well I love you" I said "but I've really got to go."

"Love you to" he said.

"Bye" I said.

"Bye John" I smiled at how he said my name then I hung up. I walked back in and found that Otto was still there.

"How was he" he asked me.

"Good" I said smiling.

"So I assume everything is alright between you two" he said. I nodded and took a sip out of my drink that they had refilled. Tomorrow's gonna be a great day I thought while I took another sip of my drink.

Hey guys!! Sorry for the short update but needed something to lead up to the next chapter. I'm gonna try to get the next one out tonight but if I don't it will defiantly be out tomorrow. Thank you so much for reading! Have a great day/night!!!

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