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I groaned at the movement of Bradley getting up from beside me. I rolled over and looked at him. I glanced at the clock and it was three in the morning.

"Where are you going" I mumbled. He jumped a little.

"Sorry" he said "you scared me I didn't know you were awake." I smiled and his eyes twinkled from the light hitting them. "I'm just standing up my leg fell asleep." I nodded and closed my eyes but I knew I wouldn't be able to go to sleep till I felt him get back in be beside me. Finally after hearing him walk around a bit I felt the bed dip down beside me and I smiled. I put my arms around him and pulled him against me.

"Love you" I muttered.

"Love you to John" he said and I smiled. I felt myself drift off. I woke up again around nine. I slipped out of bed cause Brad was still sleeping. I was taking a shower when I heard the bathroom door open.

"Your taking a shower without me" I heard Bradley say sarcastically. I laughed.

"Sorry Brad but there ain't enough room for you in here. People make these hotel bathrooms small as hell now a days." He laughed and I smiled. I turned the water off and stepped out and wrapped a towel around my waist. "When does the plane take off" I asked him.

"I don't know like three I think we don't have another game for three days." I nodded.

"Ok good I don't have to rush." He smiled and slipped his shirt off and turned the water on. Just then my phone rang.

"Hello" I said picking it up.

"Hey John" I heard kelly say.

"Oh hey dude" I said "what's up have you already left to go back to DC."

"That's the thing" he muttered "I'm not gonna go back."

"Wait what you left for the Lakers." He chuckled a little.

"No" he said "I uh just got traded."

"Wait what" I said shocked. There was no way I heard him right. We didn't trade Kelly Oubre he's like a legit asset to the team.

"Yeah" he said "they traded me."

"For who" I asked him slowly.

"Ariza" he said and I groaned.

"He's so old" I said "and your ten times better than him."

"Yeah well at least it wasn't you or Brad" he said.

"Aww come on dude don't put me in the position to respond to that." He laughed.

"Sorry I was just saying."

"I know I know" I said. I sighed. "Well shit" I muttered "I'm really gonna miss you Kelly."

"I'm gonna miss you to John" he said.

"Thank you" I said.

"For what" he asked me confused.

"For helping me be in the position I'm in right now. If it wasn't for you then I wouldn't be dating Brad right now and my life wouldn't be how it is."

"Oh yeah that was nothing" he said and I smiled. "I'm always here if you need to call me John" he said.

"Yeah I know" I said. "Your the reason me and Brad are still together." He laughed.

"Yeah y'all have gotten into more fight that I have had to break up and stop than I can count." I smiled and Bradley walked out of the bathroom.

"Hey can I call you back" I asked him.

"Aww John wants to explain what happened to his boyfriend before he finds out from me or the news." I laughed.

"I jus don't want him to freak out" I said "he'll take it better if I tell him."

"See" he said "that's just what I was saying." I smiled.

"Ok Kels I've gotta go we'll both call you back later."

"Ok talk later John" he said. We hung up and Bradley gave me a weird look.

"What was that about" he asked me.

"They uh traded Kelly" I said.

"Wait what" he said shocked and I laughed.

"That's what I said" he smiled but then frowned.

"But why and who did we get." He asked me.

"I don't know why but we got Ariza" I said.

"Ariza for Kelly are these people out of there minds." I shrugged.

"I don't know" I said "I mean at least we have each other right" I said.

"Yeah I guess" he said.

"You guess" I said making fun of him. He shrugged and I cocked my head to the side and looked at him.

"You ok" I asked him.

"What no I'm fine" he said.

"You sure" I asked him "cause I can tell when your lying." He smiled.

"No really I'm fine."

"Ok" I said. I walked closer to home and wrapped my arms around him and looked at him. "We just have to stay strong ok" I said "no matter what happens we've always got each other" I said. I sighed and sat down on the couch that was by the window. "He wanted us to call him back" I said.

"Wanna face time him" Bradley asked me.

"Yeah" I said. I pulled out my phone and called him.

"Hey" he said when he answered.

"Hey" I said. It went silent for a little bit.

"I'll never forget that day" I said and Kelly and Bradley looked at me weird. "Oh sorry" I said laughing "I didn't know I was taking out loud."

"Yeah well now you have to tell us what day you'll never forget." Kelly said.

"Yeah" Bradley said "cause there's a lot of days you'll never forget so how are we supposed to know which one." I sighed and leaned back against the couch.

"I'll never forget the day I came in late" I said "and Kelly was talking to me about who made me late. He was like oh I bet it's the girl from the club or that cute girl in your neighborhood. Then he was like no it was Bradley and I was like what did you just say but I accidentally said that outbound and coach got made at me. Then I ran my laps or whatever he wanted me to do and me and Brad started talking and something about the way you looked at me and smiled. I thought to myself man he has a cute smile but then I was like no I didn't just think that. But anyways we were gonna both go over to my house but Kelly came and said he wanted me to come over to his and I was oh ok I guess I'll go. Then Kelly went and got his bag from the locker room and I leaned against the wall and looked at you and kelly just like cane out of no where like I didn't hear the door shut or anything and he was like you like what you see. Obviously  escaped me so I jumped and you looked up and me and I was like no. So we went to his house and he was nagging me about you like he wasn't gonna let it down. I mean I guess I give him all the credit for us two getting together cause I knew if I didn't say something he would nag me about you for the rest of my life so I was like the thing is I already like someone. And he was like who and I said my best friend. He was so amazed that I liked someone so he FaceTimed you like were doing now. And we talked about it and you obviously knew it was you but you didn't say anything then later that day I came over and told you I liked you but like things happened before that but yeah" I said. I leaned against Bradley and wrapped my arm around him. "That's the greatest thing you've ever done for me Kels" I said and I heard my voice crack "you made me realize I had fallen in love with my best friend."

Hey guys! I'm sooooo sorry for not updating yesterday but I was really busy. I had a basketball tournament this weekend so I didn't really have anytime to update. Anyways so I think I'm gonna end this book but like make another book to go with it. Like I'm gonna turn it into a series. I'll probably have the new book out today or tomorrow so look for that. Anyways thank y'all for reading!! Have a great day/night!!!

Oh and one more note: this is taking place as if the trade happens after the Lakers game that there about to play

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