Will Evans

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I was currently sitting in the police office getting questioned by an officer.

"And Your sure that the only time you saw her was that one time." I nodded.

"Yes I'm sure" I said.

"And if we took you to court you would stand by that statement."

"Yes I would. Wait what your gonna take me to court!?"

"Now tell me a bit about you and Breannas past" he said.

"Well we met in college" I said "she was the lead cheerleader. She was like the snobby rich kid who knew she didn't belong at the school but her parents money got in. Yeah she was that type of girl. She would always cheer at my games and one day the team and cheerleaders has a dinner together and we talked for a bit then it all just went from there. She just started to change I like to think I made her change but I know I didn't she just realized she was being a bitch and she changed."

"And when did you break up" he asked me.

"Oh bout a year after I got drafted" I said and he nodded.

"Why" he asked me.

"Because she cheated on me" I said.

"You know who she cheated on you with" he asked me.

"Yeah oh what was his name" I asked myself "oh Will Evans."

"Like the one that works in New York" he asked me and I shrugged.

"I don't know all I know is his name I'm not the type to go and stalk whoever my girlfriend cheats on me with."

"Yes I know but he is pretty well known" he said and I shrugged.

"I don't pay attention to stuff like that" I said "I just make sure our country's not gonna get blown up every morning and then I don't check the news again till the next morning." He nodded and wrote something down. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

"Are you gonna answer that" he asked me.

"Well no" I said "your interrogating me and I think it's like against the law to answer your phone."

"No" he said smiling "it's not against the law it's just polite." I nodded.

"Well still whoever it is will call me back if it's an emergency then I'll answer."

"Ok back to Will Evans" he said "how long had she been cheating on you."

"Oh uh probably had a year" I said "I mean I'm gone half the year anyways so I would know when." He nodded and wrote something else down. I watched as his own made marks on the paper he was holding. He closed his notebook and set it on the table and put his pen in his pocket.

"Ok John" he said "well call you later if we need anything else." I nodded and stood up. "Thank you for cooperating" he said and I nodded.

"Yeah I would wanna give you any trouble I really respect what yuh guys do and I know it's a hard job so." He nodded and we walked out. I took out my phone and saw that Bradley was the one who had called me. I pressed the alert and called him back.

"Hey" I said when he answered.

"Hey uh when are you gonna be back."

"I actually just finished" I said.

"Oh ok well there is this Will Evans guy here who wants to talk to you." He said.

"Oh ok" I said "well I'm about to start driving so I better go" I said.

"Ok see you soon" he said.

"Love you" I said.

"Love you to" he said and we hung up. I walked out to my car and fished my keys out of my pocket. I pressed the unlock button and got in. I drove back to the hotel.

"Hey Brad" I said when I walked in the room.

"Hey" he said smiling.

"Where's Will" I asked him.

"Oh yeah he's in room 202 he told me to tell you to stop by." I nodded.

"I guess I'll go now" I said.

"Ok" he said "come back soon though"

"I'll try" I said "but I've got a feeling this might take a while." He nodded and I walked out. I walked to the elevator and pressed the button that opened the door. After a minute of eating I decided the stairs were quicker. I walked to floor 2 and walked around till I found his room. I knocked on his door and I guy with light brown hair answered.

"Oh you came" he said and I nodded.

"I'm guessing your Will Evans" I said and he nodded.

"And obviously your John Wall" he said. He opened the door and motioned for me to come in.

"Why are you here" I asked him.

"Because" he said "I heard Breanna got in a car crash and you had something to do with it." I rolled his eyes and shook my head.

"No I had nothing to do with it" I said "I was just sitting on my bed talking to Bradley when I heard a loud crash outside so I went and looked out the window. I saw what had happened and my first reaction was to go help them so me and Brad went down and I happened to get her car."

"And you just happen to pick her car" he said.

"Well it's not like I knew she was in that car." I said and he nodded. "What are you like a private investigator" I said.

"No I just wanna know what happened." I rolled my eyes and stood up from where I was sitting.

"Ok well I'm gonna get going." I went to walk to the door but I felt a hand on my arm.

"Your not leaving till you tell me everything" he said and I shook his hand off of me.

"No I'm not telling you anything." I said and I walked out. I heard the door close a little bit late and I knew he was following me. "I don't wanna talk to you" I said and I kept walking. I pressed the button to the elevator and I got on. I pressed the close button and I watched it close right before he could get on.

"John Wall" I heard him yell and I rolled my eyes. I pulled out my phone and texted Bradley.

Make sure your by the door ready to open it when I get there

Ok but why... r u ok

Yeah I'm fine I'll explain when I get there


I put my phone back in my pocket and walked out the door and just as I thought Will had just walked out the door that lead to the stairs. I rolled my eyes.

"Never give up huh" I said and I walked to our room and went to open the door.

"Where do you think your going" I heard him say from behind me. I left my room key so that's why I needed Bradley to open the door. I jiggled the door handle and knocked. He opened the door and gasped. He grabbed my arm and pulled me in and slammed the door and locked it.

"What" I asked him.

"Why the hell was he about to point a gun at you" he snapped. I sighed.

"Guess I gotta explain" I muttered.

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