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"Did you get the kid his tickets" I asked him once we were back in the room.

"Oh yeah" he said nodding.

"How did he react" I asked him.

"Oh he just laughed and smiled and said thank you." I smiled and leaned against him.

"Thank you for doing that for him" I muttered. He smiled and nodded.

"I love to make kids happy" he said. I smiled and nodded. How could I have got this lucky. I yawned and shook my head.

"I'm going to bed" I said. He cocked his head to the side.

"Really" he said "I'm not tired at all." I rolled my eyes and smirked.

"I'm not to tired to do one more thing before I go to bed." I said.

"And what's that Mr.Wall" he said smirking. I kissed him and pushed him down onto the bed.

"God I'm gonna be tired tomorrow" I said "but I'd rather be tired from doing this than staying up pointlessly." He kissed me and I smiled against his lips.

"You'd rather be doing this in real life rather than in your sleep" he said and I smiled.

"Mmm yeah everything's better in real life right" I said and he laughed.

"I don't think that's saying but I guess so" he said. I smiled and attacked his lips. He moaned against my lips and I knew this was gonna be a long night.


"Hey John" I heard Kelly say. I glanced over my shoulder and he was behind me.

"Yeah what's up" I said turning around.

"What happened last night" he asked "like with the whole car crash thing."

"Oh yeah nothing much they just got in an accident and we went to help them." I said. He nodded.

"I was just wondering cause I heard something about you knowing the girl you helped." He said.

"Oh yeah she was a college friend" I said and he shrugged.

"Ok just wondering." I nodded and turned around and continued to walk to the locker room.

"I also know what else you two did last night" Kelly said and I felt like I could've died. I totally forgot we were in a hotel room and the walls aren't that thick.

"Oh yeah sorry bout that" I said "but I mean I get what I want" I added with a smirk. He rolled his eyes and I turned around and walked through the doors to the locker room. "Hey coach" I said when I walked in.

"Hey John have you seen Kelly" he asked me.

"Oh yeah he was just out in the hall why" I said.

"Oh I've just gotta talk to him about tonight's game." I nodded and I put my stuff up in the locker that I always used. I saw that Brads stuff was already in the locker beside mine so I assumed he was our shooting.

"Have you seen Brad" I asked him.

"Oh yeah he said something about his ankle hurting so he was gonna go get it looked at." I frowned and nodded.

"Ok well see ya in a bit I'm gonna go check on Brad then I'm gonna shoot but I'll come back when the clock says 45." He nodded.

"Ok well I'll see you later" he said. I nodded and walked out. The first place I went was to the clinic place they had in the stadium. I pushed the door open and walked in.

"Hello John" there doctor said when I walked in.

"Hey is Brad here" I asked him.

"Oh yeah he was he just left he said he was gonna go shoot."

"Ok thanks" I said. I walked out and walked onto the court and saw Bradley swishing threes. He shot and I wrapped my arms around him. He jumped and looked at me.

"Hey" he said smiling. I gave him a quick kiss.

"Hey" I finally said back. "I've been lookin for you" I said.

"Oh yeah sorry I meant to text you." He said.

"Oh no it's fine" I said "I was just worried." He smiled and shot another three. I grabbed a ball and started to shoot around.

"I told coach I'd go back at 45" I said and he nodded.

"I'll go with you." Slowly the arena started to fill with people. "Horse" he asked me and I nodded. He shot it from up top and swished it. I walked up and made it. "Ok" he said half court. I dribbled and couple times and shot it and it tinned around and fell in.

"Naw there's no way in hell I'm making that." I said laughing.  He shrugged.

"If you win you get control tonight but if I win I do" he said and I smirked.

"That's why Bradley wanted to play" I said he he rolled his eyes. I walked up to half court and obviously missed it. He clicked his tongue and shook his head.

"You pick were to shoot" he said and I shrugged. I walked up to the corner and backed up into the stands and shot it. Swish.

"Right here third row fifth seat" I said and he smiled. He tried to shoot it but he fell over all the seats and air balled it. "It's all about the legs" I said jokingly. I pretended I was shooting so I could've give and "example" of what he was supposed to look like. He rolled his eyes and went to grab the ball and he slapped my butt as he was walking by me. "Bradley" I said jokingly "not with all these people around." I motioned to the crowd. There was maybe one hundred fans there.

"Not many of them saw it" he said and I laughed. I glanced at the clock and it said thirty.

"Oh shoot I'm late" I yelled. I grabbed the ball and backed up to half court and launched it. Swish. "If you make it you win if not I do" I said. He rolled Mia eyes.

"Looks like someone wants to win" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"I just need to get back to the locker room." He nodded and he shot the shot and it rolled in and out. I laughed and slapped his butt. "Someone's getting it good tonight" I yelled as I ran away from him and I heard him laugh. Bradley ran and caught up with me. We both ran into the locker room and the door flew open and everyone looked at us. It was like a scene out of a movie like when the two kids are late to class and they come in during the middle of class and everyone looks at them. Well that's what it was like now. "Aww come on guys I haven't felt like this since college" I said and Bradley elbowed me.

"Your late" coach said and I nodded.

"Yeah sorry we uh got carried away in our game." He rolled his eyes and we walked in. It was silent. Like you heard the door shut which usually you never hear that.

"What did I miss" I asked and Kelly groaned.

"Nothing just our whole game plan."

"Oh" I said quietly.

"Ok so again" coach said and he went over the whole game plan again. "I should not start you two" coach said when everyone had left the locker room. "But I can't just not play my two best players so your lucky your both good." I laughed and Bradley hit my shoulder.

"I'm sorry" I said and I ran my hand over my face.

"Compose yourself John" he said sarcastically "I know he's here but that doesn't mean you can act up." I rolled my eyes but then I felt them get huge.

"Wait what how do you know" I asked him.

"Kind of obvious" he said "the way you two look at each other and act around each other it's obvious your together."

"Yeah I guess but don't tell anyone" I said.

"I won't but I kind of think they already have figured out there just being nice and not saying anything till you tell em then there never gonna let you live it down." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah probably" I said laughing.

"Ok well you two go out there and warm up" he said and we walked out and goofed off while warming up for the game.

Hey guys sorry for the wait!!! I know it's been a while (jk like four days) but that's still a while. But I'm back and I have my head around things and I think I'm ready to write again!😂 anyways thanks for reading!! Have a great day/night!!!

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