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"So tell me what happened again" Otto asked Kelly once we were all sitting down at the table. He gave me a nervous glance and shrugged not really caring if he told the truth or not. I mean he would be a great person to not tell cause then my reputation Woodbridge be ruined but other than that I wouldn't really care.

"So I was sitting around on my phone when there was a knock on my door" he said "I got up and answered it and John told me that he was bored and he needed someone to talk to. He also said he needed a break from fucking Bradley" he added with a smirk. A couple of the teammates shot me a look and I shook my head telling them that was a lie. "Anyways" he said "of course John with his weird ideas decided it would be cool if we could do some juggling act with the glass cups that they give you. So I took one off the shelf and gave it to him and I got one and we started to do the pass back and forth thing. We decided it would be cool if we could do four of them so we took the other to and added them in. We kind of got lost at what we were doing and one of her hit me in the face and I ended up with this" he said motioning to his hand. Otto shook his head slowly.

"Then why does it look like some one punched you" he asked Kelly.

"I don't know just a coincidence" he said. Just then the whole situation hit the team.

"Wait are you and Bradley dating" Dwight asked me. Bradley drew and X on my leg to signal to say no.

"Nope" I said "Kelly just likes to tell lies and embarrass people." I said. He nodded and shrugged.

"Hello I'm Gracie your server now what may I get you to drink" our waitress asked from behind me. I jumped a little cause she surprised me.

"Water" I said.

"I'm sorry what was that" she asked.

"Water" I said clearer.

"I'm sorry one more time" she said. She leaned really close so that her boobs were in my face.

"He wants water W-A-T-E-R" Bradley snapped "now I think some of our other players might want something to drink to so maybe you could take there orders" he said. She nodded and walked around the table. After she was done taking orders she walked back by me.

"Is there anything else I can get you" she asked us.

"No were good" I said. She nodded and walked off.

"You sure you guys aren't dating" Dwight asked "Cause Brad just got awfully defensive." I rolled my eyes and we all started to laugh. Bradley leaned back in his chair and bit his lip. I glanced at him and he gave me a smiled but it was like a not meaning to be sexy smile.

"John and Bradley sitting in a tree K-I-S-S..." Kelly started to sing.

"Shut up y'all child's." I said.

"Nice accent" our waitress said from behind us. I rolled my eyes and groaned. "What's wrong" she asked me.

"Y'all she's crazy" I whispered. They all smiled and tried not to laugh. She gave everyone there drinks and I took a sip of mine and I gagged. "Hey uh Gracie is that your name" I asked her.

"Yes" she said turning around.

"This water" I said I felt my vision go blurry and I knew I needed something else in my system. "Bring, bring me a new glass no ice wand I want you to pour the water in front of me with your boss beside you" I said "and you better hurry or else you'll be fired." Her eyes got big and she nodded. When she walked off Bradley took the water and went to take a sip.

"No stop" I said. He gave me a weird look.

"There's there's something in that she put something in it" I stuttered.

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