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"Breanna?" I said shocked. I thought I'd never see her again or at least ever talk to her again. Not after what she did to me.

"John" she said calmly "it's nice to see you." I grunted and she pressed the button to take her to the first floor even though I had already pushed it. It opened and I went to walked off but she stopped me.

"What" I said exasperated.

"What room are you in" she asked.

"I'm not gonna tell you" I said "I don't even wanna see you."

"Still as rude as you were last time I saw you" he said.

"And your still as annoying." I said. She shrugged.

"But isn't that why you fell for me" she said "I remember you saying that once oh what was it." She cocker her head as she thought "oh I know that one time we were out for dinner you said that I was so annoying but that's what made you fall for me cause it was cute that I always thought I was right." I rolled my eyes.

"Well it's not" I said. I turned around and walked to the desk. I heard her following behind me and I groaned. "Can I have a new room key" I asked the lay at the front desk.

"Yes what room" she said.

"Uh can I just tell you the name it's under" I said. She nodded.

"It's either Wall or Beal" I said.

"Oh yes that right" she said "I knew that was the room he told me to put you in." She typed something in her computer then she scanned the key and gave it to me. "Here you go Mr. Wall" she said.

"Please call me John" I said. She smiled and nodded. I turned around and Breanna was still behind me. "Just leave me alone" I said "I'm not gonna get back with you I'm in a relationship right now and I don't plan on ever not being in this one."

"I'm not trying to get with you I just wanna be friends" she said.

"Just wanna be friends" I said putting air quotes around it "isn't that what you said last time."

"No Cause last time you wanted to be more than friends." I rolled my eyes.

"Well that's in the past so if you could please just let me ducking walk without you following me we won't have to see each other for the rest of our lives." I pressed the button to the elevator and the doors opened and I walked in and she followed me.

"You know you don't want that" she said.

"I would love it more than anything to never see your ugly face again" I snapped.

"Wow now your calling me ugly such a kind person you are" she said "I bet you don't stay in your relationship with Bradley long."

"What made you think I'm dating Bradley" I asked her.

"Cause your room was under either your last name or his." She said. I rolled my eyes.

"The team just under booked rooms so we have to share." The doors opened and I walked out and she followed me. "This isn't even your floor" I said.

"I know I just wanna talk" she said.

"Well that's all you've been doing is ducking talking so please just leave me alone" I yelled. She stopped walking and I walked over to Bradley and slid the key across the door and walked. I held the door open for him and he followed me in.

"What was that about" he asked me.

"Nothing" I said.

"Well it was something obviously she knows you." He said.

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