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"Hey the teams meeting tonight do you wanna go out with them." Bradley asked me.

"Oh yeah sure." I said "do you know where we are going."

"Oh yeah some restaurant downtown." He said.

"Is it fancy" I asked him.

"Um yeah I think you should wear a suit." He said.

"Oh cool which one should I wear" I asked him.

"did you bring the dark grey one" he asked.

"I wouldn't leave it" I said smirking.

"Mmm wear that one" he said "you know I like how you look in it."

"That's why I always bring it" I said "and why I always wear it." He laughed when I said that.

"Yeah well as long as we're together your gonna keep wearing it."

"I just like what happens after I wear it" I said smirking. He rolled his eyes and laughed.

"Ok let's get going" he said "we have like thirty minuets." We changed and I looked at the time.

"We have like ten minuets" I said.

"I know something we could do in ten minuets" he said smirking. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"I also know something we can do after we get back." I said smirking. He smiled and kissed me. "We should get going" I whispered against his lips. He smile and nodded. I slowly pulled away and walked downstairs. Just then it hit me, Kelly was most likely gonna have a bruise on his face. When I saw him I found out I was more than right. "I got him good" I whispered.

"Did you say something" Bradley asked me.

"Oh no" I said. He shrugged and his eyes landed on Kelly.

"Hey bro what happened." Bradley asked him. I saw his eyes light up but hen they dimmed when they saw me. He looked at me then looked at Bradley and shook his head.

"Nothing John just stopped by my room and we decided that we could do some juggling thing with the glasses that they give you and he grew one at the same time I did and it hit me." I felt my mouth fall open. Kelly shot me a look and I shut my mouth. I can't believe he just lied about what happened. Bradley nodded then looked at me.

"I think I left something in the room can you come help me find it" he asked me. I sighed.

"Yeah I'll come."

"Good luck bro" I head Kelly whisper as we were walking back. I turned around and he gave me sympathetic glance. I just shrugged.

"Why does Kelly really have that bruise" he asked me as soon as we got in our room.

"Why do you even care" I asked him.

"Cause he's my teammate" he said.

"Yeah he's also the person you let fuck you." I snapped. He rolled his eyes.

"This has nothing to do with that" he said "I just saw your jaw drop when he was done lying about what happened." I bit my lip and shrugged.

"I don't know what happened." I said.

"A glass can't cause that type of bruise." He said.

"Ok does that matter" I asked him.

"If you punched him Yeah" he said.

"I didn't punch him" I said.

"Then where were you today" he asked me "You know early this morning when you left."

"I was with Kelly" I said giving up cause I knew I couldn't lie to him long.

"And what happened while you were with Kelly." He asked me.

" He uh talked about you" I said "he uh called you a bitch."

"Really" he said raising his eyebrows.

"And I uh kind of lost it and blew up at him about the other night. I uh grabbed him by the shirt and pushed him against the wall and we argued till I just lost it and I punched him."

"John" he groaned "Why would you do that."

"I don't know Bradley" I snapped "but I just did ok so if you wanna take his side and stand up for him that's fine with me" I said sarcastically.

"John I'm not standing up for him" he said.

"Then what are you doing" I asked him.

"I'm just wondering why you would do that." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah right" I muttered.

"John" he whispered "I would stand up for you if someone had a gun to my head and told me that if I stood up for you they would kill me."

"You say that now" I said.

"I don't fucking Love Kelly" he yelled. I went silent and looked at him.

"I'm sorry" I said then I walked out and back downstairs.  Bradley came a few minuets later and he looked hurt and stressed. "Let's go" I grumbled. We all walked out and got in the limo that they had waiting for us. I sat down and Bradley came and sat beside me.

"I'm sorry" he whispered.

"It's fine" I said.

"Really" he said looking at me "your not mad anymore."

"I was never mad at you Bradley I just lost my cool."

"I know" he said sighing "I just worry your not gonna wanna be with me someday."

"I would never leave you Bradley" I whispered .

"I know" he said "I just worry." I smiled and kissed him. His eyes got huge and he jerked back.

"What are you doing" he said "I thought you didn't want them to know."

"Doesn't matter to me I mean it's just our teammates." He smiled and pressed his lips back against mine. "God I could kiss you forever" I muttered. He smiled and slowly pulled away.

"I love you" he whispered.

"I love you to" I said. I felt the car jerk to a stop and I knew we were at the restaurant. We all walked in and sat down. I sat by Bradley and immediately my hand found his. He smiled and I put my hand over his. "Love you" I whispered so no one could hear it but him.

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