Being With Him

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There's a small time skip of a few days. I'm also realizing I shouldn't have to say I'm doing time skips in between chapters. Lmao :)

P. S. I swear this gets happy. It starts out kinda... meh. Then it gets happy. I'll try and keep it happy for the rest of the book.

I started going back to my classes yesterday. I couldn't focus. I made sure I was always wearing a sweater. Anyone that asked how I was, I replied with "I'm just tired." Which was true. I hadn't slept since the incident. I also hadn't ate anything besides toasted bread.

I still felt like shit.

Charles always had his arm around my shoulder. Taking me places, kissing me, basically showing me off like I was a trophy.

Alexander got word and just made me feel even worse. Now he knew I was gay. I didn't need that.

Hell, I didn't need any of this.

But I deserved it.

At least Charles said that. I asked for it.

"Mr. Madison."

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at the professor.


"Clearly you're not paying attention," Mr. Washington said. He was one of the younger teachers here. He did have the slightest bit of concern in his eyes.

There were snickers coming from the back of the room. Hercules and Lafayette were in this class. And Thomas.

But Thomas wasn't laughing at me. He wasn't even sitting with his friends. He was in the row in front of me. I saw him quickly glare at the two who immediately stopped.

"I'm sorry. I'll-Ill try harder."

"You will. Now-" he glanced at the clock. "I'm letting you all out 10 minutes early."

Everyone stood up and filed out. I stayed still, not wanting to get caught in the crowd. Thomas Jefferson also stayed in his seat.


I gathered my things and shoved them into my bag. I rose slowly and started going out.

Thomas had went to Mr. Washington. I watched them. They were talking in hushed whispers. At the same time they both glimpsed at me. It felt like their eyes were burning into my soul.

I turned away and, as I have been the last few days, walked very slow. It's almost like my anxiety disappeared overnight, for some reason I didn't care about my classes, grades, or anything really. Normally I would've been stressing over the fact that Professor Washington called me out for not paying attention. But today... it didn't matter.

Nothing mattered.

I think I was broken.

I was halfway back to my dorm when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I flinched and tensed up. "Charles, I'm not in the mood," I mumbled.

"Would you be in the mood if it wasn't Charles?"

I peeked over my shoulder. It was Thomas. I didn't really have to look to tell that it was him.

JeffMads Modern AU | Year 1 {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now