Cults Are Bad, Kids

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"I'm so curious. What do you think is?"

"Honestly? It's probably just some prank." I shrugged my shoulders.

I couldn't Maria's expression in the darkness; only the occasional street light and the moon shone.

"My god, it's so fucking cold."

I nodded in agreement. I could see every breath I took.

"You think they're going to murder us?"

"Eh, it's a possibility." I checked my phone; one in the morning. "We're gonna be late if we don't hurry up." My teeth chattered with every word.

"Are you sure you don't want my coat?"

"No, no, I'm good."

"Mmm suit yourself— oh! Is that them? A.O.D.?"

She pointed towards the commons, where there were about ten people dressed in all black.

"Maybe we should leave..."

"No! Look here comes Hamilton!" She was now facing the opposite direction. "Thought he was supposed to leave in the afternoon..."

Sure enough, Alexander was scampering across the grounds, clutching his long coat around him.

"We need to get there before him." She was taking off her coat. "Here. You have this."

She threw her red trench coat at me before taking off towards the commons.

I ran off after her.

"Hey! I'm here from that email!" She shouted at the blackly dressed figures.

"Lewis," one spoke in a deep voice, "and Madison," as I caught up to her.

"Okay, so who are y'all?"

"And, finally, Hamilton."

Alexander was standing behind me.

The group of people formed into a line, shoulder to shoulder, in front of us.

The middle one spoke, "Now that you're all here, we may start."

"We call ourselves the A.O.D.," one the end said.

"Cut to the chase, assholes," Alexander mumbled, "it's fucking freezing."

I couldn't see any of the members' faces. It was far too dark.

"We believe you three would make excellent additions to our... organization," said a different one.

"Okay..." Maria said.

"It would require some sacrifice..."

I swear recognized that girl's voice.

"'d have to be dedicated."

Where did I know her from? She was British...

"So," the middle one started again, "what do you say?"

"We don't even know what the fuck this organization is about!" Hamilton said.

"If you say yes, you'll find out. You can drop out anytime you'd like... though we don't think you will..."

"Fuck it. I'm in. I want to know." Maria put her hand on my shoulder. "What about you?"

I had given in and put on her coat.

"Why not?" Alexander said.

"I... I guess so."

"Splendid! We're all in agreement, what now?" Maria asked.

JeffMads Modern AU | Year 1 {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now