Chapter 1

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Cough! Rattle! Cough! Squeal. Cough! Silence.

The car came to a standstill abruptly, in the middle of the road. It wasn't moving like it had been only seconds prior. After spluttering sounds like it was being choked, silence fell down and reigned supreme.

This couldn't be happening. Not then. It could happen in a few more miles, not at that moment, I thought vehemently. I was nowhere near my destination.

I took a deep breath, calming my near-panic heart. Reaching over I turned the key nestled in its spot just next to the steering wheel. The key turned and the starter cranked, but the engine refused to run. I tried again, and again and again. My car was dead, at least at that moment.

I knew what the problem was. I had run out of fuel.

It was not like it had happened suddenly. I'd ignored all the clues, like the light alerting me to the low state of my gas and the rapid loss of power. For roughly 100 yards I'd just been coasting. I'd had inexplicable hope, hope that was quickly yanked out of me.

Deep breaths couldn't calm me anymore. I snapped. I yelled. I cursed. I wrestled with the steering wheel, as if somehow it could magically produce gas and bring my car back to life. Of course nothing happened. My car remained dead and I probably reduced my time on Earth with all the cursing I did. I may have aggravated God, it was possible.

There was nothing to be done, not inside the car anyway. I lowered my window and grabbed the door handle from outside, yanking it. The door opened with a heavy 'clung' sound. Once the door was open, I realized how cold it was. The air was chilly against my cheeks, forcing me to wear my hoodie to hide them. That action didn't do much against the force of air that hit my face the moment I stepped out of the car.

The winds had increased since I left my apartment. What was once a gentle breeze was now almost gale force winds. They slapped my face and jerked my body around. I walked over to the front wheel and kicked it hard a couple of times.

My boot-clad foot was on its way towards the wheel when a loud thundering sound entered my ears. The wind blew fiercely in reply to the thunder. It was almost like they were having a conversation. I looked up to see that the evening sky was covered with ominous and angry black clouds. The sky was suddenly illuminated in a blinding flash of light. Thunder bellowed from within the clouds.

I'd heard the weather reports that day. It was hurricane season. Fierce storms had been predicted for the area. Hurricane Molly was heading our way, albeit a weakened version of the one that had wrecked havoc in neighboring cities. They said it had weakened to a tropical storm status, but that didn't ease anyone's fears. It certainly didn't ease mine. I was about to be caught right in it. From the looks of the angry clouds and the smell of rain in the skies, it wouldn't be long before treacherous rains fell.

I looked behind me to the road I'd just driven past. There were no signs of cars there. I looked in front of me; nothing. The road was deserted. People were tucked in their houses, waiting for the storm to pass. I was the lone soul on the road.

I realized I had driven less far than I thought the gas in my car would take me. It had taken me right at the edge of the city before it had quit. I hadn't even managed to leave the city! I cursed God again for good measure. I was now far from my apartment but still far from my destination. Large trees surrounded the road I was on.

I had no idea where the nearest gas station was. I didn't exactly have the money to buy the gas anyway. Biting my lip, I decided it would be best to look for shelter. My car was safe against lightning strikes, but the windows didn't close properly. I was most likely to drown in it if I stayed.

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