Chapter 12

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The room was hot.

My body was aching sweetly.

His hand felt like a steel chain around my small wrist.

Sebastian was like an animal that had finally caught its prey. His movements were deep and unrestrained, yet he hit the spot every time. There was an animalistic quality to the way he was thrusting behind me. He was still energetic after a considerable time of sustained physical effort, but it wasn't his stamina I considered sexy. The confidence I saw in his eyes right before he made me obey his every whim was the sexist thing I had ever seen.

He was sure in himself, not for a second wavering. That had me practically coming all over the floor several times. I was spent, but I stayed still against the cold bathroom wall he was pinning me onto. His hand on my wrist was painful, but a sweet kind of pain. I had a feeling his other hand on my waist was going to leave a bruise, a bruise I was euphoric about. My heart was beating too fast and my breath came in rasps.

Since I was standing, Sebastian's head was almost level with mine. I could hear and feel him breathing. I heard the intense growls too. Even though I thought it was highly impossible, I found myself getting hard just hearing him curse in a low growl that seemed to have emanated from the depth of his stomach.

A moan escaped from my lips when I felt his teeth sinking into the skin on my neck. The pleasure was so intense I found myself a mewling mess, finding it hard to support my own weight.

Sebastian left a few kisses around the bruise he'd just left on my skin.

"You taste so good," he breathed.

His thrusting slowed down to a stop and he spun me around. Suddenly I was facing him and his big strong arms had formed a cage around me. The sight of his glistening body made my hard erection even harder. His skin was as tan as his face, although maybe a little lighter. His six-pack screamed out to be touched and his strong legs and muscled-arms were striking. His body was exactly as I'd imagined when he first walked into my house. He was perfect.

...and so was his cock, which was then slightly poking me on the stomach. It was big and veined and stimulated a desire to just eat him again right then. But he had other ideas.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist, allowing him to take me wherever he wanted. I didn't care where we ended. All I wanted was the euphoria I knew I was definitely going to get. It was so close I could smell and taste it.


The nice thing about having sex in a bathroom was that the cleanup was easy and convenient. The drawback was, the last thing you wanted to do after intense dizzying pleasure was to collapse onto a cold tiled floor.

My thighs were aching and my legs felt too weak my knees were buckling. I didn't have the energy to stay upright but the thought of my bum on a cold surface gave me anticipatory shivering. I leaned heavily on the wall, whose coldness I'd gotten used to. A whine escaped me before I could register my brain's intentions. I was certain I hadn't uttered that voluntarily.

Sebastian was taking care of the condom and cleaning up. He had his back to me, but suddenly turned his head.

"You okay?" he asked. There was concern in his voice.

"Yeah," I drawled.

"I may have been a little too rough," he said with what I decided was a little smirk.

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