43: Epilogue

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The bag was too full.

Taking out one shirt didn't make a difference.

My weight on it wasn't helping.


"We're staying for three days, you don't need a suitcase!" Sebastian shouted from the bathroom. His voice echoed in the bathroom and then I heard a flush.

I adjusted my weight on the suitcase underneath me, putting the whole half of my body on it. It proved to be useless because now I couldn't reach the zip to be able to zip it closed.

"I've got my whole weight on it. I just need you to zip it!" I shouted.

Sebastian appeared at the door of the bathroom. Instead of walking to where I was on the rug near my bed he leaned against the door frame.

"You look ridiculous," he said.

"If you think you can close it all by yourself then I'm all for it," I said pulling my body off the suitcase.

Sebastian finally walked to me. He bent down near the suitcase. Instead of going for the zip, his hand delved inside the suitcase. He pulled out several clothes, throwing them onto the bed. The bag was left half-empty. Someone would say it was half-full but no, absolutely not. It was half-empty.

I stared in disbelief at what he was doing. He zipped the bag closed and pulled it into a standing position.

"There, solved the problem!"

"How dare you? I need all those clothes!" I huffed, putting my hands on my waist.

"No you don't," he said. "You just need three outfits."

"And what happens when I pour soup down my shirt or burn my pants while helping your mother cook?"

"You're not helping my mother cook and...you can wear my clothes," he said with a sexy wink at the end.

His words made me slightly warm, but didn't discourage me from my mission. "I need at least five outfits," I complained.

"That's fine. You have more than five outfits left in that bag," he said.

"Five items of clothing does not equal five outfits!"

"You'll be fine. James Bond always makes a plan. We've got to go. We still have to stop by the cemetery," he said grabbing his schoolbag on the bed and pulling my suitcase. I still didn't get how his clothes fit in his small bag, but he unlike me had a closet full of clothes where we were going.

I looked at the clothes on my bed ruefully. Certain Sebastian was no longer in sight of the bedroom I pulled my blue cardigan off the bed and hid it under my coat.

"Ross!" he screeched.

I speedily walked out of the room, following him to the front door of the house. Nina was waiting there with Sam, my new PA.

I'd never needed a PA before Sebastian, but that was because Nasir functioned as my PA on top of everything else. I'd kept Nina on after Nasir passed away and she took care of the house and cooked. Sam arranged my meetings and took notes. I couldn't be trusted to remember anything or even pay attention.

Sebastian interviewed Sam because he couldn't have an incompetent complacent person replacing him...yeah, I rolled my eyes too. I had no say on who became my assistant.

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