Chapter 8

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Ross Mitchell was a strange guy. More important to this part of the story, Ross Mitchell was a strange CEO. I'd learned while reading his company history thanks to the material Nasir gave me that Ross wasn't just the majority-shareholder of RossTech, or their main software inventor, he was also the chief executive officer.

Now, in the two weeks that I worked for him, he'd never at any point gone into the office. He was the CEO that worked from home, only venturing outside when important meetings were scheduled. Sometimes I scheduled those meetings to be held in his office.

I admit as some point I theorized he was a vampire, but the sun had not appeared in the sky for two weeks and yet he stayed indoors.

I scheduled his meetings and I made him coffee. I found rebel Rubik's cubes who'd wandered outside his office and returned them there. I exchanged emails with the CFO and reminded Ross of his deadlines and to reply to emails I couldn't begin to return (I had no idea what Easter egg the sender was referring to considering it wasn't close to the Easter holiday).

My job was boring and routine. Ross liked to stick to a routine of work for most of the day despite having the freedom to do whatever he wanted. He worked during the weekend too.

It was Saturday night and Ross was in his office. It was the second weekend he was working and that was bothering me. If he was working that meant I had to be available for his coffee fixes, random calls to his office the motive for which was forgotten the moment I walked in and those moments when he couldn't find his glasses that were right in front of him.

I liked my stay at the house. Food was free and there was plenty to eat. Nasir was an amazing chef. His attitude towards me had eased off a little, but he still gave me wary looks and rolled his eyes when I got something wrong.

When I walked to Ross's office that night, I had only one motive. My stay at the house was fine but I needed a night on the town to unwind. Ross either had to stop working or just give me a time off. I was sure Nasir wouldn't mind taking over my job for the night. He had looked bored with his job of late, coaching me even when I was doing something right.

I tapped on the door only twice.

"Come in," Ross's tired voice sounded from inside. It was a clear sign he needed a break.

I opened the door and walked in.

He smiled when he saw me. "I think I finally know what's wrong with the code. I..."

"Uh..." I interrupted. "I was wondering if I could have the night off."

"...To do what? You basically have every day off," he said.

"I meant I want to leave the house for the night. I need to unwind," I explained.

It wouldn't be the first time I left the house since I'd decided to take Ross's deal. Nasir usually requested my help when he went grocery shopping. That night was different. I was asking to leave on my own.

"I'm coming with you!" Ross said excitedly. It was a response I hadn't expected. I was stunned.

"No! No! No!" I said.

His shoulders fell. "Why not?"

"Do you really want an answer to that? I can't ask for a timeout from my boss to spend time with my boss," I said.

"I don't have to be your boss tonight. I can be your friend," he suggested.

"No thanks, I have enough friends," I said dismissively.

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