Chapter 25

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The night after the ball I wanted to sleep in. My body felt tired and I was bordering on being hung-over. Ross and I had spent some time after the movie ended drinking. We watched one more movie and back-to-back episodes of a sitcom. Our kiss hadn't gone where our kisses normally went. It ended slowly and softly and we focused on the TV as if nothing had happened.

Nothing had happened really. We kissed almost every day. So the kiss was a little different, it didn't mean anything. It didn't have to mean anything.

What meant something though was the fact that Ross had looked me in the eyes. He was comfortable with me and that scared me. I didn't quite know yet why that was scary.

I didn't get to sleep in. I was woken up by a knock on my door. The person subsequently let themselves in. I opened my eyes to the sight of Nasir standing next to my bed. I stretched my limbs and sat up.

"Hi," I groaned. "If it's about the vodka, Ross took it out, not me."

"It's not about the vodka. I want to talk to you about something," he said. He looked much more serious that he normally did.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned. "Ross has no commitments for today. I double-checked."

"It's not about that," he said impatiently.

"I did not mean to elbow him. I turned quickly and he was right behind me. I took him to the ER immediately," I explained clearly.

"Sebastian Adler could you please shut up?" he instructed and sat at the foot of my bed.

I swallowed thickly but didn't say anything.

"I...I have a favor to ask," he said. He sounded grim. "It's a big one, bigger that sending you out to go grocery-shopping. It's so big I will understand if you say no. But first, hear where I'm coming from."

He rubbed his hands together. Silence descended. He seemed unable to talk. I was wondering if I should have offered to get him a drink.

"I'm sick. I've been sick for a long time. I don't have much time to live..."

My heart descended sharply and I cut in. "What do you mean?"

"I'm dying Sebastian," he said.

I shifted on the bed, trying to get into a comfortable sitting position. I wasn't really uncomfortable with my sitting position; I was uncomfortable with what I'd been told. It all seemed too sudden. I didn't know what to say or do. I knew Nasir was hiding something but I hadn't expected something like him dying.

I thought he was hiding a relationship, something cute and fluffy adorned with bunnies and feathers!

Not death.

"I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer a few months back. I...I have at most two months to live. That doctor you kept seeing, he's my oncologist."

I chocked on my saliva. Nasir was telling me in two months' time he wouldn't be there. I wasn't prepared for such news. Sure we hadn't gotten along the first few days after I moved in but Nasir had become a constant at Mitchell Mansion. He'd just always been there. We'd had some really good conversations. He was a nice guy. He'd stopped me from leaving. We'd sort of bonded over cooking and the coaching he gave me.

"No, no" I said shaking my head. There was a ball in my throat that muffled my next words. "Shouldn't you be in hospital getting chemotherapy or radiation or whatever else they use?"

He heard and he sighed. "There's no point. It has spread beyond what they can do. I chose to stay here instead of suffering through treatment that wouldn't help me."

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