Chapter 11

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I released a trail of smoke into the air, tracing it with my index before it scattered and disappeared. The smoke trails were like a work of art, art that never lasted - much like my drawings which had ended up in a dustbin downtown, covered in scrotal contents and secretions from body parts I couldn't name.

Tracing the smoke trails was a way to keep my brain engaged or I'd end up analyzing my situation. The activity only worked for a few minutes but then I got bored, and Ross stirred.

He was lying slightly on me, his right arm resting on my side. He moved onto his back and his eyes opened. His fingers extended to my lips and he grabbed the cigarette between his index and thumb. I opened my mouth slightly and he took it out.

I moved my other hand behind my head, effectively having both hands behind me and released smoke into the air.

Ross's first attempt at smoking failed miserably. He coughed so much I thought he'd lose a lung. I moved to grab the cigarette from him before he burned himself. When he stopped coughing I laughed. I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes.

"Don't laugh at me. It's not as easy as you make it look," he complained.

"The trick is to not inhale too much," I told him. "But you shouldn't be inhaling at all. Cigarettes are bad for you."

"Yet you smoke," he said.

I took a long drag and took just as much time blowing out the smoke.

"I tend to do things that aren't good for me a lot."

"You could quit smoking," he suggested.

"It's not easy," I said. "I've been smoking since I was 18."

He nodded and moved his fingers to my lips again. I grabbed the cigarette before he could.

"I'm not letting you cough yourself to death. Nasir will kill me," I said.

"Come on," he said sweetly.

"No," I said firmly.

"Then let me kiss you," he said.

I nodded and he moved his body closer, placing his head above mine. Our lips touched and he grabbed the side of my head, positioning himself better so he could take control. I let him do it, satisfied to just take the back seat for a while. My body was still relaxed, even though admittedly Ross's kisses were burning a slow fire in me.

We'd had sex earlier - sober sex. It had been pretty much the same as the drunken sex, except for like some odd moments when he told me there were condoms in my nightstand and every bedroom in the house and Nasir had put there. I wondered if moments like ours happened a lot but those thoughts were extinguished by Ross's movements and the climax he brought me to.

I'd resigned myself to the fact that I liked having sex with Ross and while I was still at the house I might as well get some action. It had been a while and Ross knew his way around a cock. It couldn't hurt.

Ross pulled out of the kiss.

I smiled. "Do you like it?"

He shook his head like a kid. "Not really."

I chuckled. "I've been told it tastes really bad but it tastes like heaven to..." I said and stopped abruptly. "Don't you have a meeting with some marketing guy at seven?"

"What guy?"

"...The marketing director! We scheduled the meeting for this morning but he said he had some church thing and he could make it at seven pm. You said it was fine," I reminded him, although I wasn't certain myself. It could have been the hangover talking, or the Ibuprofen. I'd learned the Ibuprofen was a miracle drug, able to cure amnesia.

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