Chapter 31

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Taking care of Ross and Nasir was fairly easy. Even taking care of the house was easy. I cleaned the house, bought the groceries and even paid some of bills. I forced Nasir to eat when he didn't want to eat and I took him to the doctor to get medication to alleviate some of his discomfort. I'd taken to the job so easily; something was bound to go wrong. I mean, we are talking about me here.

It was only a matter of time before I did something disastrous.

After Nasir gave me the money for college I'd started applying to some colleges. I spent the time I didn't have to clean or cook looking up colleges on the internet. I filled out application forms, provided all the details and waited for some feedback. Feedback came much quicker than I thought. Some colleges gave me tasks to complete.

I was doing one of those tasks in my room when Ross called, demanding to see me in his office. My task involved creating an original book cover utilizing my own original photography or artwork. After reading the plot of the book I'd settled on creating my own illustrations for the cover. I was good with traditional and digital drawing. Even though I'd decided on drawing, I didn't have the entire cover planned out in my head.

I was singing along to a song playing on my phone while sketching out a couple of drawings to inspire me, filling out a plan on a separate page when an idea seemed solid enough one afternoon. I seemed to think better lying on my bed so I was doing that, with a laptop and books surrounding me.

"I cut 'em all loose and work's my excuse but the truth is I can't open up. Now yo–" I was singing along to the lyrics spewing out of my phone when the music was cut off. For a second the room was silent, but then I realized my phone was ringing. Only two people would call me on that phone.

I stretched my hand to grab the phone almost hidden by the pillows. I accepted the call from Ross and raised it to my ear.

"What's up?"

"I need you."

I frowned. Ross knew what I was doing in my room. "I'm busy," I said curtly.

"And I need you," he said clearly.

My frown relaxed a little. "What's happening?"

"I have a headache," he replied.

I couldn't believe my ears. Ross had called me because he had a headache, a headache. My frown returned full-strength. "I'm not a doctor. Take a pill and leave me alone," I said harshly.

"Bring me one," he said simply.

"Your legs don't work anymore?"

"They do, but I hired you so I wouldn't have to get things myself," he replied. His voice was unbelievably casual.

I groaned. "Ross I'm really busy."

"So am I...or I will be when my headache goes away. I'll be waiting for you."

The line went silent. I groaned again and pushed my book away. Ross could be incredulously selfish sometimes. He knew I was working on something important. He was within his rights to ask me to bring him a headache pill since I'd taken over from Nasir but he knew what getting into college meant to me. My cover had to be perfect. It had less chance of being that with him sending me up and down every few minutes!

I stomped my feet into the bathroom and pulled out a pill bottle out of the cabinet. I walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water before heading to Ross's office. Ross was in his chair, head slumped on the desk.

"Is it that bad or are you a whiny baby?" I said putting the glass down.

"Just give me the pill and shut up."

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