Chapter 10

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I stayed in my room most of the day. I missed breakfast so I made my own and ate it in my room. Nasir had objections about that but eventually let me when I told him I had a hangover and would rather just be in my room. He even brought up some Ibuprofen.

"Just put it on the nightstand," I gestured to the nightstand. "Thank you Nasir."

"No problem."

Did that sound like he was warming up to me?

"You shouldn't drink too much. It's not good for your liver," he said.

Maybe I didn't want him warming up to me.

"Get some rest. Call me if you need anything."

Hmm, I change my mind again.

At the door he turned. "That's a nice thing you did, taking him out last night. He works too much. He seems much relaxed today."

I coughed. "Uh...yeah," I said and nodded when I had no idea what else to say. I couldn't tell the truth or Nasir would probably think I was trash again.

He walked out and the door closed. I took out a pill from the bottle Nasir had left on the nightstand and swallowed it with water. After a few minutes I lay back on the bed. The pill didn't start working until at least ten minutes after. My headache was slowly disappearing.

I closed my eyes to the sights in the room. I didn't think of nothing in particular when suddenly a powerful memory jolted my brain. It was almost as if I was transported to that date and moment in time.

Ross was cute. Not cute like a baby, but delicately attractive. When he was quiet I could almost like him. His blue eyes were darker than usual but still managed to shine in the light of the passing cars as they drove past us. His hair seemed darker too, the delicate strands falling onto his brow and the side of his face in a short messy mop-top. He had a lean sharp nose that seemed a tad too long but didn't look out of place on his face. His lips were a pale pink, the upper lip barely there and the lower more visible.

I was drawn to his lips as the lights of incoming cars touched and highlighted them. I was drawn to his whole being, wanting nothing but to hold him in my arms and kiss those delectable lips. I had a sudden desire for him, something that shocked me by not shocking me.

"We're here. Welcome home Seb," words were formed from his lips. It took me a few seconds to register that the car had stopped. I didn't even cringe at what he'd called me. Instead I said,

"I'm not sure I can walk. Can you support me?"

It was a ruse and he fell for it. He supported me while we made our way into the house. The close proximity fueled my desire for him. He smelled nice, like flowers and spice. He had his arm around me and I was leaning on his shoulder. I occasionally rubbed my head against him and I could swear his arm around my waist was moving sensually.

Going up the stairs was a bit of a struggle. I tripped and he laughed. I weighed him down and we almost tumbled down the stairs.

My bedroom was in the opposite direction to his. It was only two doors down from the staircase and soon we were there. I realized I didn't want to be there. I wanted to be wherever he was.

"Where are you going?"I asked as soon as we entered my room.

"My bedroom of course," he replied removing his arm from my waist.

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