Chapter 14

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Ross drove the car and I settled in my seat, looking out the window. There were parts of the town I'd never ventured into and this was one of them. The area was pristine, as if a cleaning crew was waiting somewhere to clear up bits of paper some unsophisticated person threw away and any dirt or debris that landed on the streets, no matter how small. The streets looked deserted. They were generously lit with bright lights. The area looked expensive. It made sense why I'd never wandered into it.

There were beautiful restaurants around us and these faded to the background as the car ran through a deserted alley.

"Where on earth are we going?" I finally asked, peeling my eyes away from the window.

"You'll see," he said ominously.

I shook my head as the car turned a corner and stopped.

"I don't see anything," I said looking before me. We'd stopped in front of a deserted alley. The place was dark.

My memories suddenly sparked and I found myself wondering if my whole life was in orbit and I'd just returned back to a past I'd escaped from. It conjured visions of an eighteen year old kid lying on the brick studded ground shaking violently like a rag doll in a tumble dryer. Even from the distance I was standing at I could see him frothing at the mouth.

"Fuck! Shit! Let's get out of here!" I heard a voice and felt a tug on my hand.

"We can't just leave him here! I'm going to call 911. Fuck Cameron, look what you've done!" I felt a voice leave my body.

"It's not my fault. If you want to stay, fine. I'm leaving. I'm not getting arrested over some dipshit who can't handle his drugs! I didn't force them down his throat."

"Sebastian! Seb..." a new voice entered the scene. I blinked hard and realized I'd been replaying past events in my head. Ross was looking at me with concern.

"Uh yeah, what?"

"We're here," he said.

"I'm not getting out until you tell me what we're doing here," I said. "Are you into drugs?"

He looked stunned. "What, no!"

"Then what are we doing in an empty alley?"

"You'll see."

I just looked at him.

He shifted in his seat. "Why would you think I do drugs?"

"We are in a dark alley!" I reminded him. "It's the perfect spot to exchange illegal things."

"I've never done drugs in my life. If I wanted to start I'd have them delivered to my house and not do dealings in some alley. I have a reputation you know," he said.

"So why won't you tell me why we're here?"

"Because showing is better that telling you," he said with a wink.

I rolled my eyes but agreed to get out of the car. We walked a little further into the alley. I could see a dead-end coming up ahead. Was Ross going to perform a spell for the alley to open up? I stopped walking.

He grabbed my hand. "Come on," he said urging me on.

Right at the end of the alley was a door I'd not seen. It was a very inconspicuous door. I still had no idea what the place was so when Ross tapped on the door I pulled him back slightly. I did not want to get arrested. I'd definitely go to jail, no buts about it.

He turned to me with a smile. The door suddenly opened outwards, revealing a nicely dressed man. The light in the room spilled onto the alley.

"Mr. Mitchell, I've been expecting you," the man said.

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