Chapter 16

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I wasn't by any means a good personal assistant. My work was at times sloppy and I learned using internet jargon was not the best way to write a professional email. I couldn't call the executive members by their first names, but it didn't stop me from doing so. I sometimes forgot to remind Ross about important meetings. If he forgot, how did he expect me to remember?

I liked to think of myself as personal assistant: limited edition. I was unique. My work was half-assed, yet I earned quite a lot despite the mediocrity of my work. Extras that fell outside my job description but seemed like part of the package included taking the boss out for drinks every now and then and giving him a taste of nirvana in bed. That was what made me special; although maybe the sleeping with the boss part had already been done to death by a league of personal assistants who considered themselves special too.

I had fun on our nights out. Watching Ross fail dismally at dancing was entertaining. I would say he had fun too and if the nail marks on my back were anything to go by, he enjoyed my other services too. It seemed I was good at the extra stuff but the job I was hired to do. The day after our night out, I learned I wasn't just bad at my job, I was terrible.

Ross had slept on my bed again the previous night. When I woke up I found myself in the mood for some morning sex. Ross was only too happy to be woken up for sex. It was a sort of lazy sex, punctuated by Ross talking about the previous night. Our movements were slow yet the desire stayed throughout and even grew despite the pace. It was intimate cuddly sex that went against everything casual sex was supposed to be. Neither of us dominated the other and the kisses were too long.

Ross was in the adjoining bathroom cleaning up when there was a knock on the door. I got out of bed as if the bed had bitten me. I ran to the bathroom to tell Ross not to come out and then I went to open the door, making sure I held onto it if I needed to smash it in Nasir's face.

"Hi," I said with exaggerated cheer.

The older man wasn't smiling. In fact he looked quite serious.

He knows...

"Where's Ross?"

"I don't know." Was it a wise decision to lie to him knowing very well he knew what was going on?

"Did he come home last night? Don't tell me you left him at a bar all by himself!"

"I...didn't?" I said uncertainly. "We came back together and he went into his room and I went into mine. I haven't seen him since."

"Why would you stay out late the night before his big meeting?" His voice bellowed.

I took a step back into the room. "Uh...what...oh, no..." It dawned on me and it dawned on me hard. "Shit! Um... look I'll find him and he'll be at the meeting."

"You better find him. The phone has been ringing off the hook. The team is not happy. And I'm disappointed in you."

"I'm so sorry Nasir," I said.

"Find him. Fix this. It's your job to keep track of his meetings, not mine. You know very well he can't remember anything unless it's software related. Get him to that meeting or I'll fire you myself."

I nodded. "I'm on it."

I think I decided on what to do after my PA job ended (as it would that day) when I sped through three red lights that morning. I was an insanely awesome driver and if the Fast & Furious franchise returned for more movies, I would definitely be in for a job as a stunt driver. I dodged cars like a pro and smashed several traffic rules. I thought I'd done well, but Ross seemed ready to pass out.

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