Chapter 30

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"Wake up sleepyhead! It's your day to make breakfast."

Ross looked like an angel ninety-nine percent of the time when he woke up. This was part of the one percent where he didn't look so good. His hair was a mess, he had bags underneath his eyes and his eyes were shooting lasers.

He always liked it when I woke him up, but that morning was different. He knew I wasn't waking him up for sex. I'd paid attention to what he'd said the previous night and that morning I was reminding him of it. He wasn't pleased. He looked like he was ready to kill me.

I drummed my fingers against the door I was holding onto.

"Come on, get up," I said when the staring contest intensified.

"I remember giving you Nasir's job. That means making breakfast is your job," he said and closed his eyes.

I walked into the room and yanked his covers. "I remember you telling me you were going to make breakfast this morning. Nasir is my witness."

"Do you just want to be fired?" He asked. His eyes were still closed.

"No. I want you to honor your words," I said sitting on the bed. "Come on! I've found a way you and Nasir can spend time together. He loves cooking and you can't cook. He's agreed to teach you, willingly so."

His eyes opened and he lay on his back. "This has nothing to do with Nasir and I. You just don't want to do your job."

I smiled. "I like cooking. Get up."

He groaned and stretched his limbs before sitting up.

"You look like you were caught in a hurricane by the way," I teased.

"Whose fault is it?" he said. "Get off my bed!"

I chuckled and stood up. "Be in the kitchen in fifteen minutes."

Ross came to the kitchen thirty minutes later to find Nasir and I waiting for him. He'd cleaned up well. His face looked spotless and his hair was tidy. He wore a pair of slim-fit jeans we'd bought in Linksfield and one of his golf t-shirts. He looked different and Nasir noticed it.

"What are you wearing?" he asked as soon as Ross walked into the kitchen. He had an incredulous look on his face.

"You don't like them?" Ross asked.

"They look fine. You just look different," Nasir said and looked at me. "Is this your doing?"

"What? No! He chose the jeans by himself," I said. "I may have assisted by it was his choice."

Nasir shook his head slowly with a smile on his face. "Missing ingredients, huh," he said to Ross.

Ross gave him a quick glare and faced me. "So what are we making?" he said quickly.

I'd missed something. There had to be something I wasn't privy to. Ross had seemed flustered the night before when he mentioned breakfast and now Nasir had brought up something about ingredients and Ross looked just as flustered.

"What's this about ingredients?" I asked Nasir.

"...Just Nasir wondering out loud if we have the ingredients we need. He does that a lot," Ross jumped in. "So what are we making?" he shifted the conversation.

"Sebastian thought it would be best to teach the two of you about what I know. Obviously Sebastian can cook so it has to be something he can't make. What do you guys want?" Nasir asked us.

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