Chapter 41

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The rain was falling lightly when I parked my car on the Mitchell mansion driveway. Like all the times I'd wandered onto the piece of land, rain had accompanied me. The rain seemed to be trying to tell me something.

The driveway was abandoned, suggesting that if any mourners had made their way to the house after the funeral, they'd already left. When I parked the car I stayed in it for a few minutes, psyching myself up. I felt the pinback buttons I'd paid a fortune for against my hand. I'd had no intentions of telling Ross how I felt that day but I'd thrown the box of my purchases in the car anyway.

It was selfish to tell Ross how I felt on the day that we buried someone he loved and cherished dearly, but I couldn't wait. To ease my guilt I promised myself things wouldn't change between us if he didn't like me back. I would still be his friend.

After getting out of the car I stepped onto the dry porch. I could recall the other times I'd stood there waiting for someone to open the door, desperate both times. That day would be the third time.

I knocked urgently on the door after taking a deep breath. Nothing happened. I knocked again, and again. I was thinking of pushing the door open when it opened. I'd expected Nina to open the door, but it wasn't her.

Tim was standing there.

I felt jealousy rise up from the tips of my toenails. When I'd decided to tell Ross how I felt I didn't filter in running into Tim. I'd subconsciously decided to ignore his existence, but you couldn't ignore someone's existence when they were standing right in front of you.

"Sebastian," he said with a smile.

Now, just to get this straight, for the record – I don't know where the words that came out of my mouth came from. It was almost as if my mouth was controlling itself.

" want his money, don't you?"

The surprise on his face was evident.

He opened his mouth to reply but I jumped in. "You are going to use him and leave him, isn't that so? Or wait, you aren't going to leave until he has nothing left, right? I really really hope that is not the case 'cause you'll have me to deal with. Am I judging you too soon?"

He opened his mouth again.

"Shut the fuck up, I'm not done talking. He's probably the craziest guy you'll ever meet but he's also the most genuine. I hope you love him just as much as I do, if not more. He's a good guy. I didn't get the chance to tell him how much I love him, but I swear if you hurt him physically, emotionally or financially life won't be fun for you anymore. Treat him with respect and fucking let him be annoying," I continued.

There was silence after my words. Tim was just looking at me.

"Can I speak now?" he finally said something.

I just glared at him.

He crossed his arms. "Ross is in the kitchen. You should tell him how you feel."

I raised a brow when I dawned on me what he'd said. I'd just confessed to having feelings for someone he was in a sort of relationship with and he was telling me to tell Ross anyway. Surely he knew if Ross felt something for me their little relationship was over with. He was strangely confident.

There was only one reason he was confident: he knew Ross felt nothing for me.

I put my hands on my waist and sighed. There didn't seem to be any point in proceeding.

"I do love Ross, but it's definitely not in the way you love him. That's just gross. He's my cousin," he said. My eyes widened. "I'm Kippy. We spoke on the phone," he finished.

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