Chapter 9

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My head was groggy. It felt like someone had inserted a nail inside and was busy hammering it in further, drilling a hole inside my brain. It was heavy. It must have mysteriously turned into lead. I wasn't supporting it on my neck but I just knew I wouldn't be able to. It was painful.

I'd woken up in a similar state before. It wasn't an incident I liked recalling and that day was no different. In fact, the pain in my head increased at the thought of a past I'd rather have forgotten.

I had drunk too much. It was a fact I was aware of while the deed was talking place and I'd told myself I'd stop, but Ross's open tab had mocked me incessantly, flashing its limitless shape in my face. Ross wasn't there to stop me from utilizing it and the tab covered both our drinks. I could have whatever I wanted regardless of the price.

I was paying for my lack of self-control. I supposed it wasn't a bad thing. I'd evidently managed to pull myself out of the bar and onto a decen- amazing bed which was definitely indoors. I'd take some Ibuprofen later and drink lots of water to rehydrate. I would be fine.

Something gnawed at me, and it wasn't the nail purposefully driven into my skull. If I was so hammered I'd had trouble keeping my eyes focused, how had I gotten to a bed?

I opened my eyes slowly, momentarily blinded by the light in the room. The source of the light was surprisingly the sun, which had made a weak appearance into the sky. The room was...unfamiliar.

As if prompted by my eyes opening, I became aware of my body. It was resting on a bed so soft it felt like it was made of feathers. The warmth emanating from underneath the sheets was suspicious. I had a feeling I was naked.

My hands delved underneath the sheets and I came to a realization I'd been fighting: I was definitely naked, utterly naked. There was not a single item of clothing on me. My hands wandered to something that was definitely not me because it stirred and I found myself violently leaping out of bed.

For a moment I thought I was in Britney's room. She'd made some moves but ultimately gave up when I mentioned that I was gay. What if she'd come back? She probably thought I worked with Ross and was as loaded as he was. If only she know I worked for Ross and I wasn't even seeing a dime of the money I made because all of it went to paying him back for the money I stole. Yep I was a thief. She was getting nothing from me.

Or maybe I'd had a one-night stand with some guy I'd picked up. It wouldn't be the first time. I could deal with that. I'd just kick him out.

When my eyes landed on the bed and I realized whose skin I'd touched, I nearly had a heart attack. My heart was attempting to jump out of my body.

Oh no!

Ross Mitchell was lying on the bed looking like an angel. I have to add the angel part because trust me he looked so pure, cute...innocent. He could only be one of few people who looked that great in the morning. For once he didn't look kind of crazy.

He stirred again without my influence this time and turned, facing me. His eyes opened and he smiled. His light blue eyes looked much lighter in the morning and his blond hair shimmered despite how weak the sun's rays were.

He was heavenly.

Oh crap! What the hell am I thinking?

"Hey," he said softly.

"What are you doing in my bed?!" I yelled.

"It's my bed," he said with a slight shrug.

"Yeah...yeah, everything in this house is yours. I get it. Why are you in my bed?"

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